Maximum Flexibility with the YOUR AI SDK: An In-Depth Look at Content Styling

YOUR AI Protocol
3 min readMay 30, 2024


It is one of the most essential aspects in e-commerce to distinguish your webshop with unique and customizable content. The YOUR AI SDK offers a simple integration for e-commerce shops built on popular platforms such as Adobe Commerce, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and even custom-built platforms. Specifically for Shopify stores, there is the YOUR product content app to stream content. This SDK consists of a main snippet and a code snippet, allowing webshop owners to integrate and style various content types.

In this article, we delve deeper into the content styling possibilities offered by the YOUR AI SDK.

Prior to the content styling

Registration and onboarding

The process begins with logging into YOUR AI as a webshop. After logging in, webshops go through an onboarding process that explains step-by-step how to install the SDK. A key part of this onboarding is styling the content.

Content styling during onboarding

During the onboarding process, styling the content is straightforward. On the left side of the screen, webshops see an overview of all available content types. On the right side, a preview of a product page is displayed, allowing changes to be immediately visible.

There are nine content types listed on the left. For each type, the webshop owner can choose whether or not to display the title of a content block. However, the content styling options extend much further for some content types. Below, we discuss these options in detail.

Content styling options of YOUR AI SDK

The video below provides a brief overview of how to style content using the YOUR AI SDK. If you prefer a written explanation, please refer to the section below.


Webshop owners can adjust the number of visible lines, the font size, and the line height. This provides the flexibility to display product descriptions exactly as desired.

Pros and cons

The colors of the pros and cons icons can be customized to match the webshop’s brand colors, ensuring a consistent look throughout the site.

Questions & Answers

The number of questions and answers visible per page can be adjusted. This is beneficial if a webshop experience that customers gain more trust from visible questions and answers, they can choose to display more questions and answers at a glance.

Reasons to buy

The background color of the “Reasons to Buy” block can be customized to match the webshop’s color, ensuring it fits perfectly with the rest of the site.


The reviews section offers the most extensive styling options. Here, webshops can determine the number of reviews per page, change the color of the stars, set the background color of the review summary, as well as the colors and heights of the lines behind the stars, and the colors of the pros and cons.

The entire order of the content can be arranged as desired. The content can be changed at any time, and after saving and refreshing the webshop, the adjustments are immediately visible.

Start streaming content

The YOUR AI SDK is accessible to any webshop. To get started, simply create an account with YOUR AI as a shop owner. From there, you can proceed with the onboarding process to initiate content streaming. For general inquiries, please refer to this page.



YOUR AI Protocol

YOUR AI Protocol is the world's first AI-driven content layer for e-commerce built on Bitcoin and Solana.