What is Volunteering and How It Can Help You To Grow?

Anna Green
5 min readDec 12, 2018

While there are several ways of giving back to the society or underprivileged sectors, but volunteering is the one where you can help bring happiness and initiate welfare of society without even donating any money. Volunteering is nothing but the commitment to devote your time and energy to the society or the group to whom you love to associate with. Whether it is beneficial for the society, community, environment or animals, it is undertaken freely by your choice and interest, without any greed of financial gain.

What Exactly You Understand From Volunteering?

Volunteering is an opportunity to do something great for society with no social and financial gains. Instead, volunteering is subject to benefit another person, group or community by using your own skills, efforts and dedication. In fact, with taking advantage of this opportunity, you can spread goodness and bring a great difference in human life. The best rewards are about the satisfaction of putting something back into society, and simultaneously gaining useful experience and skills, meeting new people and hopefully having fun while spending your free with one who always desires to.

Different Types of Volunteering Activities

Do you really feel that you have some special skills, hobby or passion that you would like to share with others? Well, there are countless ways to share your hobbies and passion with others via volunteering as it includes everything from teaching, counseling to babysitting, pet sitter and so on. To help you inspire to and get started with the right volunteering activity, this blog has compiled some popular activities here:

  • Online Tutoring

Teaching volunteering opportunities are available across all age groups. In fact, no matter what subjects you are specialised in teaching, your little efforts can help various age groups learn some skills and spread literacy in society. And online tutoring is the best way to get connected with the wide number of students and able to provide the classes anywhere, anytime by simply accessing the computer and internet.

  • Babysitting

If you are the one who is really affectionate of babies, then you can spend your free time at child day care centers to help other sitters or looking after other babies. Remember your love and care can really nurture those babies and make them feel well cared off. In fact, your love and attention can contribute to baby’s growth and development.

  • Pet Sitting

If you are really passionate about the pets but not able to own the one because of small home space or any other reason, then pet sitting will be your best option. There are such organizations that always in a search of passionate volunteers who can devote some time to their four-legged family and able to feed them, care them or treat them with all their love.

  • Outdoor Activities

Do you love outdoor games and specialised in any game? There are lots of stadiums or non-profit organizations that can offer you fantastic opportunities to volunteer and supervise or for coach participants. Aside from coaching budding players, you can also enjoy the stress free time you spend at these places.

What are the Benefits of Being Involved in Volunteering?

Giving to others is actually a two-way opportunity. By giving others, you are not only bringing a great change in society but also

  • Volunteering Connects You With Others

Volunteer Opportunity is one of the most effective ways to expand your network. It allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place mutually. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can actually make a real difference to the lives of people, animals, and organizations in need. Your efforts will not only help the society but also provide you an opportunity to make new friends, enhance your social network and skills.

  • Add Skills To Your Resume

By choosing the volunteer activity in which you have planned your career, is a great way to start your career. Even if you not planning or just changing career field, volunteering gives you the opportunity to gain some skills used in the workplace such as teamwork, good communication, problem-solving, project management, task planning and so on. You might feel more comfortable stretching your wings at work once you have all the skills and knowledge for the particular position.

  • Satisfy Your Inner Strength

Volunteering is the platform that ensures you easy way find your happiness and gives you the feeling of fulfillment in your life. Doing volunteer work you find meaningful and interesting can be a relaxing and calming task for you. In fact, while volunteering the filed where you always wanted to be, can actually renew your creativity, motivation, and vision that can carry over into your personal and professional life.

How To Get Started With the Best Volunteer Opportunity?

Choosing the best volunteer opportunities, actually, involve various factors to ensure that your commitment matches the organization’s needs as well as your interest. Before getting started with any volunteer opportunities, here are the few things that you need to ask yourself to avoid following for the wrong activities.

  • Know Your Interest

Would you like to work with babies, pets, old age, homeless people? And how long you can work with any specific community or group? Do you have any skills to handle that task? Knowing the answer to these questions will help you find better volunteer opportunities.

  • Where to Find the Volunteer Opportunities?

There are various non-profit organizations that help you get associated with the particular cause and encourage you to do something for the society. By associating with the right choice of charitable organization, you can easily cater your time and effort to the particular section of the society to actually bring a great change in the society.

  • How Much Time Should You Volunteer?

Volunteer doesn’t include any specific hours not even any restrictions. You can choose the volunteer opportunity as per your own choice either for just two hours per week or about 200 hours a year. The only thing that actually affects is to choose the amount of time that makes you feel comfortable.



Anna Green

Anna Green is social worker and is associated with charitable organisation from many years.