glenn (yourartdude)
glenn (yourartdude)

My name is Glenn McDaniel or better known as YourArtDude and I am an artist working with paintbrushes, cameras, and digital technology with over 35 years of professional experience. My education is in Printmaking resulting in a BFA from the University of North Texas. I also like meditating, making Videos, Podcasts and Online Courses helping others explore their creative side. I have exhibited Internationally as well as group shows in the U.S. and my work has been described as Post Modern. The past few years I have been focusing on Digital Media because I think the technology has finally matured and will do for visual artists what the MP3 did for musicians. The past year I opened a new brick and mortar gallery showcasing my work after relocating to the mid-Atlantic region (my first was in Tampa, Florida). I am an example of the visual art tradition as an Artist who embraces new technology and incorporates this into my existing body of works.

Medium member since October 2018
Connect with glenn (yourartdude)