Publica Aims To Revolutionise The Publishing Industry With Blockchain Technology


Here’s another promising project I was asked to research, there is a high chance of this token finding it’s way into a new exchange this week, so keep an eye on it.

The volume is still pretty low, but given it’s growing community, trust worthy team and the fact they are the first crypto project in this niche, it’s future is looking bright indeed.

Small total supply of tokens (33.78M), small circulating supply (18.58M)and a small market cap (2.67M) mean some attention will cause a big spike in the price of the tokens.

Here is all the information you need to do your own research in case you are looking to invest in them.

Good luck and hope this article proves useful to you.

About Publica:

Publica is the first innovator trying to bring the blockchain revolution to the publishing industry. They will put all the advantages of ICOs into the hands of authors and book enthusiast everywhere.

Decentralised publishing on the blockchain is a new Gutenberg’s press for the 21st century. Even by becoming de-facto largest publisher, Publica will have zero inventory, while published books will last forever on the blockchain for the world to enjoy.

Publica’s operational protocol layer is built in Solidity and uses Ethereum network computing power.

It enables decentralisation of direct transactions in Publica’s currency between readers and authors in order to purchase access keys for their literary works.

Publica will provide a secondary market were authors get paid directly for their work and people can transfer money directly to their favorite writers in a decentralised and transparent manner.

By being the first platform to offer these new-world solutions to an industry that still relies on distribution methods created since the invention of the printing machine, Publica is putting itself in the perfect position to become one of the most popular platforms for authors and book enthusiasts everywhere.

Useful DYOR information you need to take into account:

CoinMarketCap URL :

White Paper :

Coin Name : Publica (PBL)

Total Supply : 33,787,150 PBL

Circulating Supply : 18,582,933 PBL

Market Cap : $2,676,704 USD

Ico Price : 1 PBL = 0.1000 USD

Social Media Information :

You are always looking for active communities with lots of members. Big and active communities generally mean any news updated will be well received and, most likely, will cause a price increase as long term holders/new comers rush into markets to buy the token hoping to make profits as markets react to said news.

In the case of Publica, they have been growing steadily in the past month and have a big backing from authors who are themselves very influential people in their respective niches. A new exchange listing therefore can have a big impact on the price of the token as news will spread quickly to a lot of people.



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Team Info :

As you well know, one of the most important factors for a successful project in the crypto industry is a well connected team with a track record delivering results.

I have personally have contact with the team members for research purposes and can guaranteed they are active and extremely transparent about their efforts. They own other companies in the digital publishing industry meaning they do have the resources and experience to deliver what they have promised.

The project is already under development and receiving a lot of attention from authors looking to self-published. There is a growing interest in the project so, as time progresses and they start publishing on the platform, the price of the tokens should reflect that.

Name : Josef Marc

Title : CEO

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Name : Yuri Pimenov

Title : CTO

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Name : Antons Sapriko

Title : COO

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Name : Marc Kenigsberg

Title : Advisor

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Name : Arne Krokan

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Name : Sheron Wood McCartha

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Name : Jeff Scott

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Name : Uldis Baumerts

Title : Operation Success, Certified Scrum Master and Product Owner

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Name : Aigars Pavlovics

Title : Operation Success, Certified Scrum Master and Product Owner

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Name : Glebs Vrevskis

Title : Operation Success, Founder of Marketing and Analytics department in Scandiweb

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Name : Davis Krikauskis

Title : Operation Success, Agile Coach

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Name : Andrew Nesterenko

Title : Operation Success, Financial Advisory.

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Name : Natalia Tarasova

Title : Operation Success, Creative behind the digital success of brands

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Name : Daniels Gulbis

Title : Operation Success, Motion Designer

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Name : Vadims Zhepetovs

Title : Operation Success, Senior Mobile app developer

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Name : Dmitry Sitovs

Title : Operation Success, Developer, Team-lead

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Name : Vjaceslavs Hlutkovs

Title : Operation Success, Senior front-end developer and Vue.js evangelist

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Name : Viesturs Lujans

Title : Operation Success, Smart contract and blockchain app developer

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Name : Arturs Lataks

Title : Operation Success, Smart contract and blockchain app developer

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Name : Dmitry Kravchenko, PhD

Title : Operation Success, Smart contract and blockchain app developer

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Name : Kevin Le Goff

Title : Operation Success, Mobile app developer, Android

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Name : Maris Mols

Title : Operation Success, Team-lead delivering for Sephora and Nestle

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Name : Olga Kimalana

Title : Operation Success, SMM and Community management

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Name : Aleksandrs Hodakovskis

Title : Operation Success, SMM and Community management

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Name : Alfreds Genkins

Title : Operation Success, Senior front-end developer

Name : Makss Vrublevskis

Title : Operation Success, Community Manager

LinkedIn :

Hope this article proves useful to you! Let me know if there is any other piece of information I should be including in these, I certainly appreciate feedback and I’m looking to make these better and better as time goes by.

Feel free to drop a comment with you opinion below, and don’t forget to clap if I made your life easier by publishing this.



Crypto Research by William Thrill

I do token research, if you don't have time to find promising projects yourself, just follow my posts, it's my job to do this.