The “Why” in Obedience

2 min readSep 30, 2021


“Obedience is your responsibility, the outcome is God’s”

— Steven Furtick

Obedience is Hard

Obedience is one of the many words that is really hard for people to understand and apply it into their life — obeying your parents, your boss, your teacher, and especially to God. Why is it the case? Let’s definite the opposite word, disobedience, to help us understand better. Disobedience means showing little to no respect of a figurative authority. The pride of human nature that believes they are in control of the outcome makes it harder for people to follow rules and be obedient to the laws above them.

In Jesus Name Grace Abounds

Even when the Israelites were given the ten commandments, it is impossible for them to obey all of them. WHY? Because we are an sinful human being — inherited from the action of Adam & the women — who needs a savior; His name is Jesus. Even in our disobedience, God has shown us his grace to redeem our sin in order to restore the relationship of people and God.

But that doesn’t mean we can abuse His grace knowing that we will be forgiven if we keep sinning. The bible says in Romans 12:2 ESV, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Therefore, the temptation that you face in your life is a life-lesson from God to know His character, authority, and power so we can be more like Jesus and obey him throughout our life. If you are struggling with an addiction, pray to God and ask for His wisdom so you may endure and understand His will in you. God won’t leave you nor forsake you. Keep leaning onto Him.

Jesus loves you.




I am a new writer whose goal is to help people in any seasons of life by sharing my point of view and provide practical solutions w/ biblical truth