Exploring Quantum Computing with JavaScript: A Beginner’s Guide

Igor Komolov
9 min readDec 5, 2023


Quantum computing is a game-changer in the world of computation, tapping into the extraordinary principles of quantum mechanics to accomplish tasks beyond the reach of traditional computers. For those fascinated by this innovative field, JavaScript presents a distinctive opportunity to experiment with and simulate fundamental quantum computing concepts. In this article, I will guide you through the basics of quantum computing and demonstrate how we can use JavaScript to bring some of its key elements to life.

Lets gooooo!

Understanding Quantum Computing Basics

Quantum computing differs significantly from classical computing. At its core, it uses quantum bits or qubits, which, unlike classical bits that are either 0 or 1, can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to quantum superposition. This capability allows quantum computers to process a vast amount of data concurrently, offering unprecedented computational speed and power for specific problems.

The Qubit: Heart of Quantum Computing

A qubit is the quantum version of the classical bit. While a classical bit holds a single binary value (either 0 or 1), a qubit can be in a superposition of both states. This means that a qubit can be 0, 1, or any quantum superposition of these states.

Quantum Gates: Manipulating Qubits

Quantum gates are the basic quantum circuits that operate on qubits. They are the building blocks of quantum computing, similar to logic gates in classical computing. Let’s explore two fundamental quantum gates: the NOT gate and the Hadamard gate.

The NOT Gate (X Gate)

The NOT gate, also known as the Pauli-X gate in quantum computing, flips the state of a qubit. If a qubit is in the |0⟩ state (read as “ket zero”), the NOT gate will change it to |1⟩, and vice versa. It’s analogous to the classical NOT gate that inverts a bit’s value.

The Hadamard Gate

The Hadamard gate is where quantum computing starts to show its true colors. When applied to a qubit, it puts the qubit into a superposition of |0⟩ and |1⟩. This gate is crucial for creating complex quantum states and is a key component in many quantum algorithms.

The Rydberg Gate

Another essential quantum gate is the Rydberg Gate. Named after the Rydberg states of atoms, this gate is used in quantum computers that operate using these highly excited atomic states. The Rydberg Gate facilitates the creation of strong interactions between atoms over relatively large distances. This is particularly beneficial in quantum systems where it’s challenging to position qubits close together. The Rydberg Gate’s ability to entangle qubits that aren’t immediately adjacent is a key feature, distinguishing it from other quantum gates. It’s primarily used in quantum computers based on neutral atoms, where individual atoms are controlled using laser light. The Rydberg Gate, thus, is instrumental in enabling long-range qubit interactions and entanglement, which are crucial for the operation of quantum computers.

Simulating Quantum Computing in JavaScript

While JavaScript operates within the realm of classical computing, it can be used to simulate the behavior of qubits and quantum gates. Below is a basic framework for such a simulation.

The Qubit Class

In our simulation, we define a Qubit class. This class represents a qubit and includes methods to apply the NOT gate, the Hadamard gate, and to measure the qubit's state.

class Qubit {
// Qubit implementation...

Applying Gates

We can simulate the effect of quantum gates on the qubit’s state and include a method for measurement, which in quantum computing, collapses the qubit’s state to either |0⟩ or |1⟩ based on probability.

applyNotGate() {
// Inverts the state

applyHadamardGate() {
// Puts the qubit into superposition

applyRydbergGate() {
// Exciting the Qubit to a Rydberg state

Demystifying Quantum Superposition and Measurement: Key Concepts Unveiled

Before diving into the collapse process, it’s essential to understand quantum superposition. In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons or photons, and by extension, qubits in a quantum computer, can exist in a state of superposition. This means they can be in multiple states simultaneously. For a qubit, it can be in a superposition of both |0⟩ and |1⟩ states.

Wave Function

The state of a quantum system (like a qubit) is described by a wave function. This wave function contains the probabilities of the various states in which the system can be found. In the case of a qubit, the wave function describes the probabilities of finding the qubit in either the |0⟩ or |1⟩ state upon measurement.

Measurement and Collapse

The collapse process occurs when we measure a quantum system. Here’s what happens:

  1. Pre-Measurement: Before measurement, the qubit exists in a superposition of states. For instance, a qubit could be 30% in the |0⟩ state and 70% in the |1⟩ state. These percentages represent the probabilities of finding the qubit in either state upon measurement.
  2. Measurement Act: When a measurement is performed, the superposition is “collapsed,” meaning the qubit instantaneously assumes one of its possible states. The outcome is probabilistic, adhering to the probabilities described by the wave function.
  3. Post-Measurement: After the collapse, the qubit is no longer in a superposition. It is definitively in either the |0⟩ or |1⟩ state, based on the result of the measurement. The wave function is now updated to reflect this new definite state.

Implications in Quantum Computing

In quantum computing, this collapse property is both a powerful tool and a significant challenge. It allows quantum computers to resolve complex calculations by measuring qubits after they have interacted through quantum gates. However, the probabilistic nature of the measurement means that quantum algorithms often require careful design to ensure that the desired outcomes are the most probable.

An Analogy

Think of a spinning coin. While it’s spinning, it’s in a superposition of being both heads and tails. When it lands (analogous to being measured), it collapses into one definite state: either heads or tails. Before landing, you can only talk about the probabilities of each outcome, not the outcome itself.

JavaScript Example of Measuring / Collapsing

So, now we add a new measure method designed to simulate the process of mesuring the qubit — collapses the superposition to either |0⟩ or |1⟩ with certain probabilities..

measure() {
const rand = Math.random();
const zeroProb = Math.pow(this.state.zero, 2);
const oneProb = Math.pow(this.state.one, 2);
const rydbergProb = Math.pow(this.state.rydberg, 2);

if (rand < zeroProb) {
this.state = { zero: 1, one: 0, rydberg: 0 };
return 0;
} else if (rand < zeroProb + oneProb) {
this.state = { zero: 0, one: 1, rydberg: 0 };
return 1;
} else {
this.state = { zero: 0, one: 0, rydberg: 1 };
return 'Rydberg';
1. Random Number Creation:

- const rand = Math.random();
This creates a random number between 0 and 1. It's used to mimic how quantum measurements have random outcomes.

2. Checking Probability:

- if (rand < Math.pow(this.state.zero, 2)) { ... } else if (...) { ... } else { ... }
This part checks if our random number is smaller than the chance of the qubit being in state |0⟩, squared. In quantum mechanics, the chance of finding a particle in a certain state is the square of its "probability amplitude" (here, this.state.zero).

- If true, the qubit is considered to be in state |0⟩, calculated as the square of the amplitude (this.state.zero).
- If false, the qubit is considered to be in state |1⟩.
- If neither true, it then checks if the random number is within the combined probability range for |0⟩ and |1⟩ states.
- If still false, it means the qubit is in the Rydberg state.

The probabilities are squared, reflecting quantum mechanics principles where the probability of finding a particle in a certain state is the square of its probability amplitude.

3. Deciding the Qubit's State:

- Inside the if block:

- this.state = { zero: 1, one: 0, rydberg: 0 };
This means the qubit is definitely in state |0⟩ (100% chance).

- return 0;
This tells us the qubit ended up in state |0⟩.

- Inside the else-if block for the |1⟩ state:

- this.state = { zero: 0, one: 1, rydberg: 0 };
This means the qubit is definitely in state |1⟩ (100% chance).

- return 1;
This tells us the qubit ended up in state |1⟩.

- Inside the else block for the Rydberg state:

- this.state = { zero: 0, one: 0, rydberg: 1 };
- If the random number falls in the range for the Rydberg state, the qubit collapses to this state with 100% probability.

- return 'Rydberg';

- This indicates that the qubit is observed in the Rydberg state.

The use of Math.random() is crucial here as it introduces the element of probability which is central to quantum measurement.

The qubit evaluates to a Rydberg state if the random number generated is greater than the combined probabilities of the |0⟩ and |1⟩ states. This simulates the scenario where, upon measurement, the qubit is found in a highly excited state (Rydberg state) rather than in one of the base states.

Note: Had to use markdown for the explanation above as had alot of trouble ensting bullets under numbers here :(

Understanding the Rydberg State

Rydberg State

In quantum physics, a Rydberg state occurs when an atom’s outermost electron is excited to a very high energy level. This state is characterized by a larger atomic size and enhanced interactions with other atoms.

Simulation Aspect

In our simulation, we introduce a third state, the Rydberg state, to the qubit. This state simulates the high-energy level of a Rydberg atom and its unique properties in quantum computing.

The Qubit JavaScript Class: Simulating Quantum Mechanics in Code

We now turn our focus back to our JavaScript simulation: the Qubit class. This class serves as the cornerstone of our endeavor, artfully translating the complex principles of quantum mechanics into the more familiar territory of JavaScript coding.

This program won’t truly replicate quantum computing but can simulate some basic behaviors for educational purposes.

class Qubit {
constructor() {
// A qubit is in a superposition of |0⟩ and |1⟩ states; we represent this as a probability amplitude.
// For simplicity, we initialize the qubit to the |0⟩ state.
this.state = { zero: 1, one: 0, rydberg: 0 };

// Apply a NOT gate (also known as an X gate in quantum computing)
// This flips the state of the qubit.
applyNotGate() {
[this.state.zero, this.state.one] = [this.state.one, this.state.zero];

// Apply a Hadamard gate, putting the qubit into a superposition of |0⟩ and |1⟩
applyHadamardGate() {
const { zero, one } = this.state;
this.state.zero = (zero + one) / Math.sqrt(2);
this.state.one = (zero - one) / Math.sqrt(2);

// Apply a Rydberg gate, exciting the qubit to a Rydberg state
applyRydbergGate() {
this.state.rydberg = Math.sqrt(this.state.zero ** 2 + this.state.one ** 2);
this.state.zero = 0;
this.state.one = 0;

// Collapse the superposition to either |0⟩, |1⟩, or Rydberg state with certain probabilities
measure() {
const rand = Math.random();
const zeroProb = Math.pow(this.state.zero, 2);
const oneProb = Math.pow(this.state.one, 2);
const rydbergProb = Math.pow(this.state.rydberg, 2);

if (rand < zeroProb) {
this.state = { zero: 1, one: 0, rydberg: 0 };
return 0;
} else if (rand < zeroProb + oneProb) {
this.state = { zero: 0, one: 1, rydberg: 0 };
return 1;
} else {
this.state = { zero: 0, one: 0, rydberg: 1 };
return 'Rydberg';

// Example of using the Qubit class
const qubit = new Qubit();
console.log("Initial State:", qubit.state);

console.log("State after NOT Gate:", qubit.state);

console.log("State after Hadamard Gate:", qubit.state);

console.log("State after Rydberg Gate:", qubit.state);

const measurement = qubit.measure();
console.log("Measurement:", measurement);
console.log("State after measurement:", qubit.state);

This code defines a Qubit class with methods to apply a NOT gate, a Hadamard gate, a Rydberg Gate and to measure the qubit.

The measurement collapses the qubit's state, simulating one of the key aspects of quantum mechanics. Keep in mind that this is a highly simplified and abstracted simulation and does not capture the full complexity and capabilities of quantum computers.

Console.log showing Rydberg state

Post-Measurement Scenario for Rydberg State

Simulating Rydberg Behavior

After collapsing into the Rydberg state, the simulation could explore the unique interactions and properties of Rydberg atoms, such as strong dipole-dipole interactions or longer coherence times. Fun!

Potential for Advanced Simulations

Incorporating the Rydberg state opens up possibilities for more complex simulations, mirroring cutting-edge quantum computing research. I will be introducing these into this Qubit class over time, check back later!

Conclusion: The Power of Simulation

While a JavaScript simulation cannot replicate the full capabilities of a quantum computer, it provides an accessible way to understand some basic principles of quantum computing. By exploring qubits, quantum gates, and the probabilistic nature of quantum measurement, enthusiasts can gain insights into this fascinating field. As quantum computing continues to evolve, its integration with familiar programming languages like JavaScript may become a vital tool in education and research.



Igor Komolov

Founder & CTO who writes code, day trades, cycles, golfs, takes pictures, makes art and reads ALOT.