Are Rottweilers More Aggressive Than Pitbulls? Your Giant Dog

7 min readNov 25, 2021


Are Rottweilers More Aggressive Than Pitbulls?

As you may know, the Rottweiler and Pitbull are two out of many aggressive dog breeds. Their fierce appearances can seem intimidating to strangers, but there are a lot of debates on which dog breed tops the list. Although many believe these two dog breeds are “aggressive,” their character traits can be misleading.

Are Rottweilers More Aggressive Than Pitbulls?

From the fierce Rottweiler to the notorious Pitbull, these two dog breeds tend to show some differences in how they process aggression. Some studies state that Rottweilers tend to be less aggressive to their owners, but more so towards strangers and other dogs. Pitbulls are considered less aggressive than Rottweilers; however, they show more aggression towards other dogs.

Although both dogs can be aggressive, they can still be playful, kind, and loving towards their owners and loved ones.

Here are some facts about their history of aggression, studies of what experts say, and which dog breed is suitable for your lifestyle.

How Are Rottweilers And Pitbulls Built? What Does That Mean For Aggression?

Both the Rottweiler and the Pitbull have a strong physique when it comes to their physical build.

Although the two breeds are built differently, many wonder what it means when examining their aggression. Here are some facts about their history, their build, and what it means for aggression.


In the early days, Rottweilers were known as “drovers” or the “working” dog. They were used to herd cattle and stubborn livestock, and pull carts for butchers. Over time, they are used in law enforcement as protective or “guard” dogs.

They are considered a “medium-to-large” dog breed with an average weight of over 100 pounds. Rottweilers are more guarded and may react aggressively if they feel there is a threat.

Moreover, they like to sit back and observe a situation before taking action. Because of their massive strength, proper training is needed to temper their aggression.


Pitbulls can be traced back to the 1800s in the United Kingdom, known as the “bull-baiting” dog. Early history, this breed was bred to bite or hold bulls or larger animals such as bears at the face and head. Nowadays, the breed can be seen in many family households.

They are considered a “medium-sized” dog breed with an average 30–65 pounds weight. They are a powerful and athletic dog breed. Pitbulls are more friendly towards people but are not as aggressive compared to a Rottweiler.

However, they can be less tolerant towards other dogs. Many reports state that Pitbulls tend to bite on strangers and even kids, but this form of aggression may be due to trauma or improper training.

What Do The Experts Say About Who’s The More “Aggressive” Dog?

Many allegations are stating that Pitbulls tend to be more aggressive than Rottweilers.

There are many proud owners of these two breeds in many states, but many experts advise that they are considered “dangerous” in different ways. However, many believe those who choose to own these two breeds should take precautions.

As previously mentioned, Rottweilers are natural-born protectors, while Pitbulls associate with aggression, especially towards other animals, unwelcoming strangers, and children. Because of their notoriety and biting tactics, some stories indicate Pitbulls have the most attacks regarding aggression.

There are a lot of stories regarding children who were unexpectedly attacked or killed by a pitbull. A child may often not know better and may do something that poses a threat to the Pitbull, causing the dog to attack the child.

Furthermore, experts believe the dog’s behavior can be unpredictable, especially to children who are left unattended. Nevertheless, some experts may counter these allegations regarding the misconceptions of their aggression. While they look vicious, they are very friendly and loving towards others.

With the Rottweiler, they are more aggressive amongst unwelcome strangers. For example, if the family to a Rottweiler knows someone is coming over to fix something, it is best to keep them in a different place to prevent unexpected injuries.

There are reported incidents of Rottweilers attacking other humans and in rare cases, their owners. It is proven that Rotties were herding dogs and used as protection dogs. Moreover, some believe this breed is misunderstood for being highly aggressive due to their loyalty to their families.

Which Breed Is More Responsible For Fatalities in Recent Years?

There is no debate regarding these two breeds being categorized as “dangerous.” Although the Rottweiler is deemed more aggressive, many studies indicate the Pitbulls are more responsible for fatal attacks. Here are some recent studies.

These two breeds are banned from ownership in some communities. Both of these dogs are ten times more likely to be the causes of fatalities and disfigurement.

A 2019 study concluded that Pitbulls made up about 60% of attacks amongst other breeds. This makes up about 5% of the U.S. and Canadian populations. Rottweilers make up almost 2% of the dog population and 12% in attacks.

One can conclude that there are more Pitbulls than there are Rottweilers. For instance, over the last 15 years, twice as many Pitbulls make up for these fatal attacks versus the Rottweiler.

Even though these studies indicate Pits are more dangerous, there are still some misconceptions.

What Are Some Ways To Reduce Aggression In Rottweilers and Pitbulls?

As a dog owner, having an aggressive dog can be overwhelming. Their behavior can be triggered by past traumas, such as fear, neglect, and abuse.

In other cases, these triggers can come from bad ownership. If you’re worried that your dog is portraying aggressive behavior, here are some tactics to help you prevent it from happening.

Many dogs show aggressive behavior. Here are some examples of aggression:

● Territorial behaviors (This could be triggered by strangers or animals they are not familiar with.)

● Lunging

● Biting or nipping

Growling, snarling, or baring their teeth

● Being still and rigid

It is advisable to incorporate proper training techniques and socialization for your dogs to prevent such behavior.


Here are three different ways to tame a Rottweiler’s aggression.

Find Out The Cause

● Observe your Rottie and make a note of any triggers that may cause their sudden aggression. Because Rottweilers are usually watchful, they may become territorial if they are aggressive towards visitors. If they give you a stare or a “low growl,” they may be expressing this behavior.

● You can use a no-pull harness when taking your dog on walks. The harness is a helpful way to prevent your dog from unexpected attacks.

● Monitor the way they respond to different stimuli. For instance, your Rottie’s aggression may be triggered by certain factors due to fear or anxiety.

Avoid Aggressive Triggers

● You can create a routine that can reduce exposure to your dog’s aggressive triggers. For example, you can distract your dog with a toy if a visitor stops by.

● If you’re expecting visitors your dog is not familiar with, place them in a different setting. They are more likely to become suspicious of strangers.

● Passive behavior can be rewarded to your Rottie when they are exposed to a trigger.


● It is advisable to take your dog for long walks to burn off energy. There is a better chance they will behave the more tired they are.

● You can expose your Rottweiler to aggression triggers such as people or other dogs, but make sure to keep them on a leash.


Here are some ways to tame aggressive behavior in Pitbulls.

Observe the cause

● Pitbulls are usually confident, curious, and watchful but their aggression is more triggered by other animals. It is best to observe your dog’s body language around different stimuli.

If they are fearful, this can escalate towards aggression. If there are other animals around, they are expressing territorial aggression.

Physical Simulations

● Pits are very athletic and have lots of energy. You can take them on hikes, swimming, or have them run alongside you while biking to burn off their energy.

Desensitization Training

● It is advisable to expose your dog to aggressive triggers using desensitization training. The purpose of this tactic is to start at a low intensity and gradually increase it once your dog begins to tolerate these triggers.


● Pitbulls may need socialization more than other dog breeds. Ensure that you socialize your dog with other people and dogs at the park or host playdates.

Which Breed Is Suitable For Your Lifestyle?

If you are a potential dog owner, you may wonder which dog is suitable for your lifestyle. Both breeds make excellent pets. Here’s how to pick the perfect breed for your lifestyle.

Both breeds don’t require much grooming, but they do require a lot of attention from their owners. Some may question the temperaments of both breeds, but with proper training and socialization, they can make a great addition to your family.

If you desire a dog primarily for protection, the Rottweiler would be the perfect fit. If you are looking for a more playful dog with incredible energy, the Pitbull is more suitable for you.

The Rottweiler and Pitbull have some differences regarding their aggressive behavior, but there are ways you can help them control them. Although the two make look intimidating, these two breeds are very loving of those close to them.

Originally published at on November 25, 2021.




As a lover of Giant Dogs, I enjoy researching and sharing important facts, information and practical tips about a wide range of large dog breeds.