How To Get a Sagittarius Man To Chase You — 5 Awesome Tips!

Michael Wilson
6 min readAug 10, 2021


How To Get a Sagittarius Man To Chase You image

Wondering how to get a Sagittarius man to chase you? You’ve developed a crush on a Sagittarius guy and would like him to pursue you?

What should you do if your love interest is a male Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is much more easy-going and pleasant than some other fire astrological signs (Aries and Leo). He is a person who thrives on challenges and is known for following his instincts.

As someone who is naturally optimistic, he thinks that everything in this universe has a solution. Additionally, why must he work so hard to win the heart of a single lady when there are so many available?

When he accomplishes something but it consumes an excessive amount of time, he chooses to set it aside and focus on other tasks.

But, if a Sagittarius guy falls in love with somebody romantically, he will attempt to meet that person several times. He appears to be the first to call or send a message following the call. However, if he detects that you are dissatisfied with what he is doing, he will immediately cease being devoted.

How To Get a Sagittarius Man To Chase You

Here are some obvious indications that a Sagittarius is intrigued!

1 Be truthful…but not completely transparent
A serious man, on the other hand, seeks a woman, not a girl.

To lure a Sagittarius guy, you must be self-sufficient enough to understand what you want. Furthermore, he detests playing games.

Please remember that you’re attempting to entice him to pursue you. That being said, if you tell him you would like to commit after only a few outings, he may flee, as Sagittarius desires his freedom a lot.

In this particular instance, a more effective strategy is to subtly indicate your availability. Demonstrate your interest in specific things (without using the word “interest”), and his feelings for you may evolve beyond just a crush or a few dates.

Demonstrate your integrity…

however, not all of it!

While honesty is a necessary component of dating, this does not mean you must expose every thought and feeling you have. Right now, you’re attracting the attention of a Sagittarius man, and it’s much better if you can determine how much transparency you want to offer in this relationship.

Be open, but also communicate to him that he will not have complete access to your brain and heart.

2. Be self-sufficient…but not too self-sufficient
Because the Sagittarius man enjoys self-discovery, submissive girls who are available most of the time really aren’t his ideal type.

Rather than that, he is more interested in the woman who is pretty independent. Demonstrate to him that there are numerous items on the list that are more important than him, despite the fact that he is important to you.

The critical point here is that you must discover what to do to make a Sagittarius guy pine for you.

Why don’t you separate for a while?

It’s an opportunity to pique his interest in you. He’ll begin to wonder what you’re up to and will take pleasure in learning about you via social media. He’ll even become excited and more likely to pursue you if he witnesses you acting aggressively.

Don’t be shy about sharing things that interest you with him. He would adore seeing your zeal and passion in everything you do. Answer his questions confidently, as this is the smartest method for him to explore your true self.

3. Be true to yourself…

When women go on a romantic date, they frequently assume an entirely different persona. Men, bizarrely, are only turned on by females who are completely themselves.

Attempt not to become a carbon copy of someone else!

If you’re wondering how to lure a Sagittarius man, the answer is simple: be yourself.

There are numerous ladies, which means that your love interest has numerous options. His ideal type is the lady who is one-of-a-kind in terms of style and thought. Never portray yourself as clingy; in fact, he is more drawn to a genuine lady who is occupied with her own life instead of spending her time following his each and every move.

However, avoid giving him the impression that you are ignoring him, or he will abruptly leave.

Additionally, he is not dating a woman who will simply nod in agreement with everything he says and do whatever he requests. This Sag man desires that his partner express her opinions in all situations. Therefore, if you have a disagreement with him, express it candidly.

4. Desire him…but do not need him
Even if you are aware that you have developed strong, strong feelings for a Sagittarius guy, please continue to act normally. Once he detects that you have a feeling for him, he may no longer be hooked.

In a relationship, a man desires to be desired, not needed.

This is what we refer to as “obsessed” with you!

Being desired enhances his sexiness, desirability, and admirability. On the other hand, being needed tends to give him the impression that you’re attempting to coerce him into making the commitment regardless of whether he wants it or not.

Once you’ve developed a strong attachment to this guy, remind yourself that he’s not the purpose of your existence. While having him in your life undoubtedly brightens it, you can still be happy on your own.

On the outside, demonstrate your desire for him and share some of your feelings with him (but not entirely); at the same time, construct a wall to safeguard yourself from being harmed in the future by a Sagittarius.

Once more, choosing to ignore him is not a wise course of action, as it will make the Archer feel excluded.

Is a Sagittarius man going to pursue you?

You do have a chance of winning him over if you understand how to be happy on your own.

5. Maintain an active presence in his vicinity.
If you want a Sagittarius man to love you, maintain an optimistic attitude. Distribute only positive vibes around him, such as by frequently smiling and trying to keep things lighthearted. Make no disparaging remarks about anyone or anything, and avoid initiating a negative conversation with him.

What kind of woman is he seeking?

This gentleman desires to have somebody who can catch pace with him. He is a fast-paced individual who is constantly on the move. To entice him to pursue you, you must demonstrate that you are just as energetic as he is.

As an avid flirt, he has no doubt received flirtatious messages from you. Flirty and seductive are acceptable as long as you attract him solely with your lair. Never show him naked photos, as you are not after him solely for the purpose of making love. Consider giving him genuine compliments about his appearance, his manner of speaking, and so on — he’ll appreciate it greatly, as the Sagittarius man is constantly curious about how you perceive him.

Using mystery to entice him is a wise move, as he quickly grows tired of women rushing at him.

In a nutshell, be amusing and playful around him!

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How To Get a Sagittarius Man To Chase You by Michael Wilson



Michael Wilson

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. Life without love is like a tree without blossom