How To Make a Sagittarius Man Miss You — 10 Terrific Ways

Michael Wilson
8 min readAug 5, 2021


how to make a sagittarius man miss you image

Wondering how to make a Sagittarius man miss you? It is difficult to make a Sagittarius man miss you. You must be patient and understand his distinct personality.

He has a high tolerance for solitude. A Sagittarius man will only miss you if you take certain precautions.

If you want a Sagittarius man to miss you, give him plenty of breathing space and freedom in a relationship. He has a different intimacy threshold than most people.

Another way to ensure he misses you when you’re not with him is to be exceptional. If you don’t make a big impression on him, he won’t remember you.

You must resist the urge to contact a Sagittarius man if you want him to miss you. Even if it means weeks without hearing from him. You must be patient as well as self-assured.

How To Make a Sagittarius Man Miss You

1. Do Not Obey Him
If you truly want a Sagittarius man to miss you, you must avoid being too accessible to him. Of course, this comes at a cost to you because you may miss him more than he misses you at first. What happens when a Sagittarius man is ignored? He might not even notice at first.

You must stop following him and refrain from interacting with him for an extended period of time. If you don’t talk to him and don’t make eye contact, he could go for days without noticing. Even if he is in love with you. This is due to Sagittarius’ independence and carefree nature.

If a Sagittarius man loves you, he will miss you if he does not speak to you for a few hours at a time. But this isn’t his style. He won’t forget about you in a matter of hours. It could take days, weeks, or even months.

Here is the secret language of Sagittarius men that will make him love you for the rest of his life.

2. Be Unapologetically Individual
If you want to know how to make a Sagittarius man miss you like crazy, be so unapologetically unique that he won’t be able to find the same spark and charm in any other conversation.

When he is impressed by your characteristics and captivating personality, he is more likely to think of you when you are not present. However, when you don’t stand out as above average, he won’t notice a difference when you’re not there.

To make him addicted to you, you must provide plenty of mental stimulation. He has a proclivity to become bored easily. He is also prone to seeking out the most inquisitive and daring people to connect with. If you want him to remember you, you must stand out from the crowd.

3. Make No Compromises
Confident women who can hold their own in a debate excite Sagittarius men. A Sagittarius man will become bored if you are too placating or accommodating. He will not be challenged in the relationship, and he will not miss you when you are not present.

If you want to know how to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you, you must adhere to your ideals. If don’t speak for a couple of days, he’ll miss you if he notices how strong-willed you are.

This is due to Sagittarius men’s concern for their integrity. They want to be surrounded by people who are steadfast in their beliefs and do not back down. If he finds that you will not compromise, he will regard you as a rare treasure. This increases his likelihood of missing you.

This simple secret about Sagittarius men elevates you to the forefront of his mind and causes him to fall deeply in love with you.

4. Have Firm Beliefs
Sagittarius men are moved and impressed by women who are self-assured, independent, and have strong beliefs. Even if a Sagittarius man does not always agree with you, he will appreciate your strong convictions. When you’re not around, he’ll miss you.

When you devote yourself to a cause or mission, a Sagittarius man will regard you as courageous and one-of-a-kind. He’ll appreciate your enthusiasm and be more likely to miss you. He doesn’t want to be around people who only flatter him and agree with him.

If you stand out from the crowd as someone with strong beliefs, he will be more likely to remember you. When you have your own principles, he will notice a lack of feisty and exciting conversation when you are not present.

5. Follow Through on Your Promises
You may believe that being as agreeable and compliant as possible is the best way to make a Sagittarius man miss you. This couldn’t be further from the case. Following through on your beliefs and ideals is the best way to make a Sagittarius man miss you. In other words, act on your words.

Even if it makes others uncomfortable, and even if it means sparring with him on occasion. He may argue with you, however even if he does, he is still interacting with you. It is preferable to be truthful to oneself and risk an argument than to change one’s identity.

Show your Sagittarius guy that you’re not really afraid to be bold and courageous. Start making bold claims, but always back them up with evidence. When you’re gone, he’ll miss the vitality and brightness you helped bring into his daily existence. By comparison, he will become bored with others.

6. Do Not Contact Him First
This is by far the most difficult strategy to employ. However, it is necessary. If you’re always present, a Sagittarius man can’t miss you. Hold off if he knows you call or text him every day. Don’t make the first move. Allow him to come to you.

A Sagittarius man who believes you will automatically reach out to him will not bother to work as hard to keep your attention. He will become docile and may even take you for granted.

A Sagittarius man will not miss you until he has had enough time without being able to communicate with you. You must also wait out your desire to hear from him in order for him to miss you. Be patient, as Sagittarius men are self-sufficient and do not require as much communication as other people.

You must be elusive and wait him out if you want to keep a Sagittarius man interested in you. Don’t be too open with him, or he’ll feel suffocated by you.

7. Frequent travel
If a Sagittarius man does not respond to your text, do not waste your time pursuing him. Instead, abandon communication and go on a trip. Making a point to travel is one of the best ways to make a Sagittarius man miss you.

Sagittarius men adore travel, and if you go on a trip without him, he will be jealous. He’ll also be curious to learn about the new places you visited and the new things you discovered.

A Sagittarius man will have plenty of time to notice what life is like when you’re not around if he travels frequently. He’ll also begin to miss you more and more each day. For Sagittarius, it takes a long time for nostalgia to set in, so be patient and keep yourself busy with new adventures.

8. Make an impression on his friends
Impressing a Sagittarius man’s friends can also make him miss you. When it comes to Sagittarius men, don’t underestimate the power of social credit. They are well-liked and group-oriented.

If you don’t pursue a Sagittarius man and leave him alone, his friends will eventually miss you. What a Sagittarius man wants to hear is that his friends adore him and think he is intelligent, passionate, and exciting.

To impress him, start making the most of his personal contacts. He’ll miss you, even more, when he knows how much his buddies appreciate and miss you. When his friends begin to ask whether you’ll be at the next party, he’ll begin to value you more. Their social cues will help him remember you.

9. Maintain Loyalty
A Sagittarius man will regard you as a rarity if you are loyal and honest. He will miss you when you are not present because he understands how difficult it is to find honest, trustworthy, and loyal people. He will want to spend time with you because he knows he can rely on you.

If you are trustworthy and loyal, a Sagittarius man will keep you in mind when he is looking for someone to share his secrets with. He will want to confide in you, and he will be aware of your absence.

Your devotion to a Sagittarius man should not be mistaken for sycophancy. He does not expect you to agree with everything he says. He simply wants to know that he can rely on you and that you are consistent and faithful.

10. Maintain a Safe Distance
Finally, if you want to make a Sagittarius miss you, you must keep a significant distance from him for an extended period of time. This is the only way you’ll be able to make him understand what life is like when you’re not around.

If you want to know how to get a Sagittarius man to chase you, give him plenty of breathing space. In a romantic relationship, you should have more space than you would normally feel comfortable with.

A Sagittarius man will not only miss you if you take a step back and focus on your own goals and interests, but he will also become more interested in you. He’ll want to spend more time with you because your attention will seem like a rare treat to him.

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How to make a Sagittarius man miss you by Michael Wilson



Michael Wilson

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. Life without love is like a tree without blossom