4 Things To Embrace To Help You Meet Your Personal Growth Goals In 2024

Ashley P
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Embracing These Will Help With Your Personal Growth Goals

Personal growth goals
Photo by Ioana Cristiana on Unsplash

It’s the end of of January 2024. Many of set intentions or personal growth goals for the new year. By this time though many of those goals have gotten sidetracked by everyday life. If that has happened to you, I encourage you to pick back up where you are and begin again. As you begin again, here a 4 things to embrace to make your personal growth goals, simpler to meet.

Be kind to yourself

It’s easy to get judge yourself harshly. You want everything to be perfect as you start out creating a new life for yourself. To make the process of meeting your personal growth goals easier, just be kind to yourself. We as people can be our own worst critic. Most of the time we don’t need anyone else to criticize us because we do a great enough job at that ourselves. Be patient with yourself as you go on this journey. Change takes time and persistence. You will reach your goal with steady changes to your mind, body and soul. Being kind to yourself will help your mindset as you begin to develop new habits. A successful life starts with successful thinking. Having a good mindset and being kind to yourself will help you create the new life your seeking.

Embrace the unknown

I used to want to know what the next steps were with everything I did. That seems to be a natural trait among people. Knowing the next step helps us ease our minds and ease any concerns we having. Being predictable is safe. However, while on my journey I learned that you have to be open to the unknown. There will be many twists and turns while you are on the journey of personal growth. Embrace them. These changes are here to assist you. If you learn to work with the unknown rather than against it, you will see the manifestation of your personal growth goals unfold in a way you never imagined.

All mistakes lead to lessons

Similar to embracing the unknown, if you accept the fact that all mistakes aren’t mistakes but they are lessons, it makes the personal growth journey easier. Mistakes are our teachers on what not to do. Sometimes we only learn what to do once we’ve had a few mistakes. Let mistakes become your friend, like a private guide. See them as your teacher they will help you if you allow them to.

Have fun

Find ways on your personal growth journey to have fun with it. This is about you and you get to decide how you experience your personal growth. Why not decide to make it fun? Make a game out of the changes you’re making. Find ways to laugh and be lighthearted. When we are happy it shifts us energetically into a higher vibration. Being in a higher vibration allows what you are focusing on to come into your life quicker. So have fun, make this simple, laugh and enjoy the growth journey you’re on.

Visit my blog: www.yourlightindarkness.com for more articles on life, healing, spirituality and self development.




Ashley P

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.