Get Used To Working & Being Provided For In Different Ways As A Spiritual Person

Ashley P
2 min readMar 20, 2023


Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

It’s taken some time for me to truly embrace the fact that the standard advice for all things working, money, and being provided for is different for myself and many other spiritual people.

We are different. We move differently and are provided for in different ways. The more aligned I am, what I need shows up for me in various ways.

I’ve had times when I was low on money, food or short on a bill. All of a sudden I’ll receive a check in the mail that was exactly enough to cover what I needed.

People, which were angels in disguise, out of the blue have offered to pay for things for me without me asking. I’ve received things that only Spirit knows I needed.

People that had a solution to whatever issue I’m facing magically appear. Helpers crossing my path in so many ways.

I notice the more I walk in my purpose, the more I’m provided for. The more I serve the more I’m served. The more I pour into others, the Universe gives me all that I need and more and I am grateful.

I’ve found that the Universe rewards joy and gratitude. The more I focus on what I enjoy and what feels right, the more the Universe pours out its love to me. Some days require more and some days less but it all works together.

One day, I watched a message from Abraham Hicks. Abraham said, “you say everything flows to you easily and effortlessly but you do the opposite. You work harder, longer hours. You exhaust yourselves. How do you expect the Universe to give you want and provide your needs when you continue to focus on and do the exact opposite?” That statement was eye-opening.

Learning to do what felt right for me has been a work in progress. It has forced me to accept who I am no matter what anyone else feels. In a world that rewards working to exhaustion, this can be challenging, but more people are awakening to the fact that we aren’t put on this beautiful Earth to hustle, grind and work our lives away for a dollar.

I’m so thankful to witness this.

I like many of you work a job to pay bills in the current structure of how this society operates, but even that is changing. I believe one day, all that choose to be aligned with the abundance of the Universe will be. It’s happening now, as one by one, we’re making the decision to be, think and live differently.





Ashley P

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.