3 min readFeb 12, 2024


— — when black mamba fell in love with blue viper.
when black mamba fell in love with blue viper


Blue in color with piercing eyes, this slithering animal looks so beautiful to look at.

Trimeresurus insularis is a subspecies of pit viper native to Indonesia. This small animal, which reaches 93 cm in length at maturity, is distributed across several islands in Indonesia. Specifically in East Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Alor, Wetar. However, apart from Indonesia, this snake can also be found in Timor Leste.


is a species of large mamba endemic to the African continent. It is the longest venomous snake in Africa and also the second longest in the world after the lanang snake (Ophiophagus hannah). It is also reputed to be the fastest snake in the world.

The dim moonlight

The black mamba crept swiftly through the vast wilderness, the summer heat a little disturbing, but making the moonlight look so graceful.

The farther he crept the more the night air penetrated his dazzling black scales. he stout and strong figure, slithering swiftly and carefully through the warm night.

The trees danced with the gentle breeze, and the sound of leaves rubbing against branches.

The sound of the wind sighing, the echoing chirps of night birds, the whisper of dry leaves, the black mamba halted at the sound of a graceful hiss.

What other snake but his was hissing beautifully.
He looked around, sharpening his hearing, until he found something rattling on the tree.

Slithering beautifully on a tree branch, under the bright moonlight, it was beautiful and graceful, a beautiful and enchanting blue viper.

The black mamba stuck out its tongue and chirped…
“Hi beautiful, you come down or I go up to where you are.”
“Hmm. Go away, don’t bother me… “

The black mamba laughed
“Why are you so haughty, you look so beautiful and charming but your behavior is so… ah but you are still charming”
“Shut up, you’d better go, haven’t you been slithering from far away, can’t you just go away”

The black mamba laughed again
“It turns out you’re secretly watching me”
“Pardon… I’m just staying here watching my prey, I never asked you to come into my sight, so… could you please leave and leave me alone?”

But the black mamba didn’t even care about what the blue viper said. Slithering nimbly on the tree where the blue viper was. With his dashing smile, and his eyes constantly fixed on the blue viper.

The blue viper who was starting to get annoyed, unraveled his coil with his tail ready to slap the black mamba, but the black mamba who was famous for its speed could immediately dive and avoid the blue viper’s slash until their heads met each other and the bodies were wrapped around each other.

“wow… so beautiful… do you know that you are very… very beautiful”
“Shut up and get out of the way.”
“ah come on don’t push me away like that”

Their gazes met each other between the sighs of the wind and under the rushing moonlight, they hissed and gurgled… making funny noises like a couple in love.

