What Happens If You Drink Lemon Water

Your Little Home
3 min readJul 6, 2024


Photo by Julia Zolotova: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sliced-lemon-fruit-in-glass-picher-1320998/

Lemon water is often touted as a healthful drink, and for good reasons. Drinking lemon water can offer various health benefits, thanks to its hydrating properties and the nutritional value of lemons. Here’s a detailed look at the potential benefits and some considerations:

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

1. Hydration

Why it’s beneficial: Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, and water is the best way to keep your body hydrated. Adding lemon can make drinking water more enjoyable, encouraging you to drink more.

2. Rich in Vitamin C

Why it’s beneficial: Lemons are high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps boost the immune system, protects against free radicals, and aids in skin health.

3. Aids Digestion

Why it’s beneficial: The acidity in lemon juice can help with digestion. Lemon water can help flush out toxins, and some people find it helps with symptoms of indigestion, such as bloating and heartburn.

4. Supports Weight Loss

Why it’s beneficial: Lemon water can be a low-calorie alternative to sugary drinks. The pectin fiber in lemons may also help reduce hunger cravings, though this effect is more pronounced when consuming whole lemons rather than just the juice.

5. Improves Skin Quality

Why it’s beneficial: The vitamin C in lemon water helps reduce skin wrinkling, dry skin from aging, and damage from the sun. Staying hydrated also helps your skin look healthy and radiant.

6. Freshens Breath

Why it’s beneficial: Lemon is known to freshen breath. It can help neutralize odors and stimulate saliva production, which helps prevent dry mouth, a common cause of bad breath.

7. Prevents Kidney Stones

Why it’s beneficial: The citric acid in lemons may help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and urine pH, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stone formation.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics: https://www.pexels.com/photo/glass-of-refreshing-drink-on-table-4021887/

How to Make Lemon Water


  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 glass of water (warm or cold, depending on preference)


  1. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass.
  2. Add water and stir well.
  3. You can add a few slices of lemon for extra flavor and to make it look more appealing.


  • Tooth Enamel: The citric acid in lemons can erode tooth enamel. To minimize this risk, drink lemon water through a straw and rinse your mouth with plain water afterward.
  • Stomach Sensitivity: For some people, the acidity of lemon water can cause or exacerbate heartburn or acid reflux.
  • Skin Sensitivity: Applying lemon juice directly to the skin can make it more sensitive to sunlight and lead to irritation or burns.

Lemon water can be a refreshing and healthful addition to your daily routine, offering benefits from hydration to improved digestion and skin health. However, it’s important to consider its acidity and potential effects on your teeth and stomach. Drinking it in moderation and taking simple precautions can help you enjoy the benefits of lemon water safely.



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