Do you love-follow or hate-follow?

Why are you following somebody that you dislike that much?

Your NativeFriend
3 min readMay 8, 2023
Photo by syam krishnan from Pexels

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Do you follow people because you love their content or do you follow people because they dislike what they say, how they say it, and how much attention they get?

Hate following’ is a phenomenon of the 21st century. So why do we follow someone on social media who makes us feel either angry, envious, or judgemental, and what can you do when it starts to get toxic?” DIYORA SHADIJANOVA

People hate-follow on Medium, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter because they release dopamine when they are hating on somebody.

They get obsessed with the dopamine boost when they are actually diminishing somebody online, they feel good about themselves and they want to keep doing it every day.

Terrifying, right?

“If you’re already suffering from low confidence, then you’re going to be more prone to exhibiting that long-term hate following, envy following behaviors.” Lilly Sabir a member of the British



Your NativeFriend

Native American writer, social critic, painter, and polyglot. Pacacua Nation ..........