My DNA is actually different from yours

Native American DNA vs European DNA

Your NativeFriend
3 min readApr 18, 2023
Photo by Misolo Cos

Yes, it is true. My Native American DNA is different from your European DNA. I am happy, proud, and at peace with it.

I always knew I was not like them.

Now that I accept myself, they try to take my joy, but I am not going to let them. (Please read it as if I was singing, even though you don’t know what my voice sounds like)

When it comes to my DNA, there are genetic differences between populations that have evolved over time due to factors such as geographic isolation, genetic drift, and natural selection.

Photo by Bruno Bueno from Pexels

These genetic differences can help us identify and track different ancestral lineages. I can also influence skin color, susceptibility to certain diseases, and physical characteristics.

In the case of Native American populations, there are certain genetic markers that are more common among Indigenous populations compared to European populations, some of them are:




Your NativeFriend

Native American writer, cultural and social critic, painter and language learner. Pacacua Nation ..........