How do I keep rabbits’ nails short without cutting?

Your Pet Guide
2 min readJun 22, 2024


Provide a Natural Environment

One effective way to keep your rabbit’s nails short is by allowing them to dig and scratch naturally. Here are some suggestions:

  • Digging Box: Fill a box with soil or sand to let your rabbit dig and wear down their nails naturally.
  • Rough Surfaces: Place rough mats or tiles in their living area where they frequently move around.

Introduce Safe Chew Toys

Chew toys can help wear down not just their teeth but also their nails indirectly. Consider the following:

  • Wooden Blocks: Safe and untreated wooden blocks can be excellent for rabbits to gnaw on.
  • Cardboard: Simple cardboard boxes or tubes are great for both chewing and playing.

Use Nail Grinders

If you’re not comfortable cutting your rabbit’s nails, nail grinders can be a gentle alternative. Here’s how:

  • Rabbit-Specific Grinders: Purchase a nail grinder designed for small pets to avoid any injury.
  • Gradual Introduction: Let your rabbit get used to the sound and feel of the grinder by introducing it slowly.

Regular Exercise

Ensure your rabbit gets plenty of exercises to help naturally wear down their nails:

  • Free Roaming Time: Allow your rabbit to roam freely in a safe, supervised environment.
  • Outdoor Playtime: Supervised outdoor time on natural ground can help keep their nails trimmed.

Monitor Nail Length

Regularly check your rabbit’s nails to ensure they are not too long:

  • Visual Checks: Look for any signs of discomfort or overgrown nails.
  • Consult a Vet: If you’re unsure, always consult a veterinarian for advice on nail care.



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