Learn Quantum Mechanics Easily and Completely with my Book, Quantum Mechanics: Nature of the Infinitesimal

2 min readJul 29, 2022


I am a high school senior with a timeless passion for physics and this is the first full-length book that I have published. If you want to learn about quantum mechanics, then this book is the perfect way to do it. If not, then please consider notifying someone who might benefit from this text.

Amazon Link: Quantum Mechanics: Nature of the Infinitesimal

Relevant Information:

As a student enthralled in a passion for physics, I find no greater pleasure than the fruitful pursuit and dispersion of its insight. How should I not? The field of physics drives the advancement of our very species indiscriminately and beckons forth a comprehension of what was, what is, and what will be to a degree as yet untold. How could any practice strive to juxtapose itself upon the pedestal of physics, for no existing field could compare to that which studies the eternal embrace of everything and nothing ad infinitum?

A problem that often arises for those who pursue an interest in physics is the confrontation between prior experience and interest. In studying physics, we often wish to learn about the captivating phenomena surrounding the world of the infinitesimal. Such pursuits, however, lead one to overly simplified interpretations of the subject in popular science or advanced texts that assume a plethora of prior knowledge. You will find this text to fall in neither category, for it assumes no prior knowledge besides a working understanding of high school mathematics and does not restrict the limits of examination to sensationalize content.

Please do not be mistaken, this text does get relatively advanced in the later sections; in any case, it is not sprung upon one without development. Throughout this text, the core concepts of quantum mechanics are introduced and analyzed through both the conceptual and mathematical lens, but all the advanced mathematics that are considered imperative for the examination are appropriately and completely presented.

This book offers the conceptual and mathematical facilities needed to arrive at and interpret results in quantum mechanics. In the course of perusing, one can expect to procure knowledge of the history, concept, mathematics, analysis, and profound conclusions that characterize the awe-inspiring subject of quantum mechanics.

