5 Most Powerful Habits of Billionaires

Your Retail Coach
4 min readJan 3, 2018


Most of the billionaires are self-made. They had to toil hard and think smart to be at a place where they are at present. So what habits they adopted to create wealth and success for themselves? How they transformed themselves into a brand? Let us check out.

1. Keep Things Simple

Simplicity is the key to success. Your business is with people, the common masses, who may not have the intricate knowledge about your products and services.

So if you want to spread the message, promote your products or become a familiar name in every household you have to be simple. Every billionaire is a great speaker who helps people relate the speeches to their daily life.

So says Warren Buffett, the American business magnate, “There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.”
Want to learn how to blend comfort with confidence? There are several business consultants who can not only help you brush up your communication skills but also boost your morale and sharpen your convincing skills.

2. Think Out-of-the-Box

Just randomly choose any product in the market and check how many competitors the product has; it is quite obvious that you will find multiple companies manufacturing the same product. So how to enter and sustain your position in the market?

Well, a billionaire believes in continuous improvement. He just not sits and relaxes on the name and fame that he has gained, but thinks of innovations to retain the same, and innovations can fail, this has to be kept in mind.

It has been rightly said by Jeff Bezos, the brand name of American technology and retail entrepreneur- “I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you’re going to innovate.”
While Warren Buffet says, “If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.”

Adopt the habit of thinking something new, trying to do something creative. For this you must have an in-depth knowledge of the market you are into or want to enter

3. Thinking Positive

Billionaires are great believers in positivity. They are quick to eliminate anything which is not positive; be it their own mindset or the mindset of their peers and employees. So if you want to be a billionaire someday, help employees solve their problems being open to their feedback instead of penalizing them.

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation says-
“We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we insist on their suffering.”

A third party intervention is sometimes very important when you want to have a neutral work environment. A business consultant can not only help you organize surveys and gather employee feedback but also can assist you in re-structuring performance appraisal processes. You can even ask them to train your staff in soft skills and behavioral programs so that they can work together in a better way.

4. Setting Daily Goals

You can’t climb a hill in a day. It takes time and patience. So instead of thinking of becoming a billionaire in just a day; create a map, set daily goals.

But when so much to do, how can daily goals help? Well, you need to prioritize your activities. If you are struggling with multiple activities, there are high chances that you will miss on some or completely everything but with numerous errors.

A billionaire always advises focussing on the quality of work which you deliver instead of the quantity.
Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook advises,
“I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress.”

5. Being Ethical

How lucrative an offer may look, a billionaire will never sacrifice his personal life or professional ethics for the same.

The way you deal with a client is extremely important to exhibit your business values. People will never be confident to deal with someone who is unprofessional or has a reputation for deceiving his/ her customer.

Moreover, you do need to have some personal space to do business. If you do not have a happy life, you cannot enjoy the work you are doing.
It has been rightly said by the American billionaire businesswoman, Sara Blakey-
“We don’t have the luxury of time. We spend more because of how we live, but it’s important to be with our family and friends.”
This also means you must have a strong will and decision making power. While a person can take dozens of decisions a day, one can make hundreds.
So, make a habit of taking risks, making decisions and doing the right thing to live a life like a billionaire.

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