4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely Break Laws

Sign Says
2 min readJun 25, 2019


These 4 zodiac signs are so free-spirited that they often feel that rules don’t apply to them. While they don’t necessarily have a criminal nature, they see rules as being something that is malleable or even arbitrary. In other words — rules are made to be broken!

1. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius likes to party and have a good time. To that end, the ingredients of their celebration might rest on shaky legal ground, if you know what I mean, puff puff. After all, not all of us live in Colorado or California!

Ever the optimist, Sagittarius always believes there is nothing wrong with bending the rules when no one else is harmed!

2. Aries (March 21-April 19)

The bottom line is — Aries doesn’t like anyone telling them what to do. So whether it’s what they want to put in or do with their body, or what weapons they want to own for their own protection — they think legal authorities have no right butting into their business.

Aries loves their freedom and it’s something they’re willing to fight for!

3. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

When it comes to laws and legal issues, there are a lot of things Aquarius believes needs to be changed. In fact, they believe some laws are downright stupid.

Aquarius believes that intelligent and rational people can safely manage many parts of their own lives without intrusive regulations trying to micromanage every aspect of how they live. For this reason, Aquarius is not above breaking laws they don’t agree with.

4. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Due to the duality of their nature, Gemini has a noncommittal relationship when it comes to following the law. In their minds, when it comes to things they feel are of minor importance — if no one is harmed — then no harm done.

If the sign says “no parking,” but there’s a space that isn’t being used — what does it hurt to park there? It’s a waste of good resources.

And does it really hurt to share information from a confidentiality agreement with your best friend or spouse? It’s not like they’re going to tell anybody.

