4 Zodiac Signs That Always Test the Limits

Sign Says
2 min readNov 1, 2019


How far can they push things?

That’s exactly what these four zodiac signs want to know!

Never content to do what’s expected, they will always challenge what they are told and push the envelope as far as they can until someone pushes back or makes them stop.

Whether it is in career, relationships, expectations, or even the law — these four zodiac signs say: “Boundaries? What boundaries?”

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

There is no sign in the zodiac more in love with a challenge than Aries. They live to push boundaries, not caring whether something is legal or illegal.

In their minds, if there is no harm and no foul, why should something be illegal in the first place? Like, how is my smoking weed hurting anyone else?

It’s simply not reasonable to expect limits to restrain someone as impulsive as Aries.

2. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius is an innovator and you don’t earn that title without pushing the limits. One of their most common tricks is to “just do it” and not ask. If you ask, you give someone the opportunity to say no.

If you do it and prove you’re right — you come out looking like a winner. And because Aquarius tends to be right more than they are wrong, it only furthers their belief that certain limitations don’t apply to them.

3. Sagittarius November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius is always testing the limits, largely because they have no off button. Uncontrollably impulsive, Sagittarius simply does what feels right at the time.

They don’t care whether someone says “don’t.” Sagittarius’ ever-optimistic attitude asks: “What’s the harm?”

Sagittarius crosses the line far more than they stay behind it.

4. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini sees themselves as just a bit more intelligent than the next person. Gemini is also firmly opposed to other people setting boundaries for them.

They know exactly what they’re capable of and loathe the idea of being restricted or limited. As such, Gemini ignores the rules.

They would rather get a reprimanding after-the-fact then being told “no” in the first place.

