4 Zodiac Signs That Woo People with Sweet Talk

Sign Says
2 min readMay 29, 2019


Can astrology make someone a silver-tongued devil…Or angel? Absolutely! These four zodiac signs can talk so sweetly that their words are like chocolate! But take heed… While some talk sweetly due to an easy-going nature, others use sweet talk for manipulation!

1. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Thanks to astrology, Gemini is born with the gift of gab. They always keep the conversation interesting, as well as, adjusted to whomever their audience happens to be. Gemini often tells people what they want to hear, and sweet talk is something they use in their bag of tricks in a manipulative way.

All that talk about your beauty may just be a way to butter you up and get you to let your guard down. Gemini is evasive and you never quite know where they are coming from and what their true motivations are.

2. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces talks sweet because they are sweet. While you may think that the musical way their sweet words combine together is purposeful manipulation — that is not the case at all. Pisces is a natural poet and their sweet words come together unconsciously.

Sweet talk from Pisces is simply a reflection of who they are inside and their creativity. Their words are genuine because it’s what they do.

3. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra’s sweet talk can be hard to define. On one hand, their words are often very sincere and genuine. They are also serial flirts, and sweet talk is simply a part of them being entertaining and charming. In other words, their sweet talk can be harmless fun.

However, Libra is also a master negotiator. And as such, can be extremely manipulative with their words. Libra sometimes tells people what they assume they want to hear in order to achieve a desired objective.

4. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios are deep and investigative, so their words often go beyond the surface. When they talk sweetly, it can really come from the heart, finding what is special and beautiful about someone. Scorpio is highly passionate, and their sweet talk can be especially moving.

On the other hand, Scorpio is highly intuitive, knowing what to say to manipulate someone or a situation. Therefore, sometimes Scorpio sweet talk has an agenda.

