4 Zodiac Signs with the WORST Manners

Sign Says
2 min readAug 19, 2019


Can you say rude? Some of these zodiac signs can’t. They are actually totally clueless about their bad manners.

For some, you can chalk it up to a twisted sense of humor. But for others, it’s simply a matter of ego and putting themselves first. They really don’t care what other people think.

1. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius comes out of the box with a bit of an elitist attitude. They clearly see themselves as above others, and despite their humanitarian ideals, routinely treat other people like second-class citizens.

They do this mostly by being short or blunt to other people. When something gives someone physical difficulty, they don’t think twice about blurting out something like: “that’s because you need to work on your weight loss.”

Aquarius doesn’t consider being tactful and that some things are better left unsaid.

2. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Where Sagittarius shows their lack of manners is in getting carried away.

Clearly, Sagittarius loves to have a good time but doesn’t know where to draw the line. They don’t realize when they are being loud and obnoxious. Sagittarius also sometimes pulls practical jokes that go too far.

Sagittarius’ optimistic nature makes them believe it’s all in fun, but fails to notice that intent is one thing and the resulting embarrassment is another. Sometimes Sagittarius only thinks of themselves.

3. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus calls things the way they see them — and that’s where the problem lies. Being tactful is not one of their strong points.

They are highly opinionated and say exactly what they think. Where things can really get ugly is if they feel they have been disrespected. What happens, more often than not, is a harsh overreaction in which no feelings are spared.

Taurus won’t pull someone aside out of courtesy, but instead, blows up at the very moment of insult — wherever they are. But Taurus’ rude behavior often looks worse on them than the one they are belittling.

4. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Why is Aries rude? They have no patience.

When things start to take too long they begin to verbally harass the person causing the delay, and apparently, don’t seem to realize how blunt and harsh their words are. They have a bad habit of trying to make anyone who is lagging behind look like they are lacking, less than competent or a downright idiot.

Aries always has to be the leader and has little tolerance for those who can’t keep up — and they won’t let you forget it!

