5 Zodiac Signs Difficult to Understand

Sign Says
2 min readJun 21, 2019


There are always those people we know that we really don’t know. We know people who either don’t let others in all the way or that never quite reveal their true selves. YOU might even be one of those people!

Here are the five hardest zodiac signs to figure out!

1. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio is a very loyal and even protective friend, but despite these traits — you never really know them. They have a very pronounced secretive side that never reveals what’s bubbling beneath the surface. Even though you might trust them unquestionably, the feeling isn’t mutual. Because Scorpios operate with subterfuge, they believe everyone else is the same way. They also struggle with feelings of envy or jealousy, which only drives their secretiveness further.

2. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini are known for the duality of their personality and it has given them the reputation of being thought of as two-faced. But they just want people to be happy, and often tell people what they think they want to hear, which is why they tend to hide what they are really thinking. You could be their closest friend and never have a clue about some of their personal problems because they won’t talk about them. You might think everything is going well for them, while they are secretly seeking out drug and alcohol treatment centers.

3. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces prefer to keep things to themselves and are very secretive as a result. There is nothing nefarious about this trait, they figure: “what you don’t know won’t hurt you.” Pisces dislike confrontation and generally try to escape somewhere to avoid conflict. They are overly sensitive and they know it, and they prefer that no one see or know that they have this weak side.

4. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

While on the surface Aquarius may seem very open and open-minded, they always keep their distance, never quite revealing their true thoughts or intentions. This trait makes them non-committal, aloof and unpredictable. Despite the strong humanitarian side Aquarians present to the world, there is a hidden rebellious streak to them that is both insensitive and unemotional. Beneath their seemingly caring exterior, there always lies a personal agenda.

5. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers have a self-esteem problem, and because of that, they try to hide parts of themselves they don’t want others to see. This self-protectiveness leads them to be secretive. The zodiac has made Cancers very suspicious of others. And because they have something to hide — Cancers naturally think other people do also. As kind and caring as Cancers can be, these insecurities fuel their hidden side, which is self absorbed, devious and manipulative.

