5 Zodiac Signs That Can’t Let Go of an Ex

Sign Says
2 min readNov 5, 2019


Breakups are never easy, and for these five zodiac signs… Letting go is hard to do.

Even when they do let go, there is an invisible thread that remains forever attached to their ex.

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

“Let It Go” from the movie Frozen certainly isn’t Cancer’s theme song when it comes to relationships. Cancer tends to hang on like superglue.

Unfortunately, Cancer ties their self-esteem into their relationships, and they often view a failed relationship as a personal failing of their own character.

2. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

When Taurus makes a commitment or forms an opinion, it is set in stone. They take failed relationships very personally, and never want to acknowledge any wrongdoing.

Taurus holds onto their resentment, which is the main reason they can’t let go of thinking about an ex.

3. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

When relationships fail — in Scorpio’s mind — it’s always the other person’s fault. A Scorpio scorned is a vengeful one.

They never let go because they now view their acts as the enemy. Scorpio remains ever-prepared to strike back at their ex for the wound inflicted upon their heart.

They cyber-snoop on their ex looking to find glee in any unfortunate moments or situations their former love interest may suffer.

4. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Failed relationships send Pisces into a state of depression. Pisces often believe they can solve any problem by being more loving and dedicated.

They are willing to sacrifice themselves — if that’s what it takes — to fix the relationship. They never let go because they remain hopeful there’s always another chance to try again and get it right.

5. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo works very hard at pretending they are not still hung up on their ex — but they definitely are. A failed relationship is an affront to Virgo’s sense of perfection. It’s very hard for them to admit they made a mistake.

Virgos are efficiency experts who pride themselves on being a master of making things work. When relationships don’t work out it is a slap in their face to their pride. They take it as a statement on their character.

