The 5 Most Insecure Zodiac Signs

Sign Says
3 min readJul 26, 2019

Can the zodiac actually determine whether you are insecure or not? Absolutely! Certain signs of the zodiac fall under what is called a “negative polarity.” These signs have feminine energy, which gives them a tendency toward being introverted, compliant, submissive, repressed and passive. Of course, mileage may vary, depending on their specific birth chart, as well as how predominant these traits may be within persons of the same sign. Nonetheless, this may explain why you see such tendencies in these 5 signs.

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The fact that Cancer is oversensitive, overly emotional and moody is a direct result of their insecurity and passiveness. Cancers never stop worrying that they aren’t good enough. They hold everything in and their emotions take over. Internalizing their feelings causes them to have profound anxiety, which may send them seeking new depression meds or worse — turning to alcohol or substance abuse. This all feeds an insecurity that makes Cancers needy and clingy — always seeking someone or something for reassurance.

2. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

It’s not hard to imagine Virgo as insecure and passive, as many Virgos are quite shy or reserved. Insecurity is the driving force behind their complaining, worrying and never-ending perfectionism. Virgos live in fear that they aren’t going to measure up. That’s why they nitpick every little detail, always trying to make everything perfect. They are afraid someone is going to spot a flaw or weakness and use it against them to tear them down.

3. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces’ passivity and insecurity is abundantly obvious through their escapist behavior. They often avoid others, choosing to work or spend time alone. In this way, they can dodge criticism, as they are hypersensitive and easily fall into depression. Even when they are around people, Pisces seem to be lost in their thoughts — somewhere else. They quell their insecurities by retreating to the safety and comfort of their mind, where they sometimes wallow in self-pity when they can’t find support from others.

4. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio insecure and passive? What! While Scorpios can be fiery, they do have a passive side. This is evident in the way they will sit and stew on things, brooding. This is all a result of their insecurity, and why they are known for such strong jealousy. In fact, Scorpio’s fire is often the result of a long-coming buildup, where as a result of their passivity, they have held all their feelings back, until it all boils over, resulting in an explosive outburst or act of revenge. Their passivity is what drives their self-reliance, secrecy, obsessions and tendency to be suspicious.

5. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

While it may be hard to think of Capricorn as being insecure or passive, especially with their leadership qualities and drive — they absolutely have their passive side. It is the key to their patience and discipline. Not all Capricorns are outgoing. In fact, some of the most evident clues of their insecurity and passiveness can be seen in their tendency to be pessimistic, stubborn, shy or a loner.

