The 5 Most Resourceful Zodiac Signs

Sign Says
2 min readJul 16, 2019


These are the type of friends everyone needs to have!

Some people are natural born problem solvers — and we have the zodiac to thank for that! These five zodiac signs are the most resourceful signs in astrology. In any given situation, they always seem to have the ability to figure things out. They are the “MacGyvers” and “Sherlock Holmes” of astrology who can quickly take stock of their surroundings, use what’s available at the moment and work out a solution.

1. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Beyond all doubts, Capricorn is one of the most resourceful sign of the zodiac. If there’s a way to make something happen, Capricorn will get it done. Practical thinking is born into this down-to-earth sign. In situations that would rattle others, they calmly stop and ponder. You can be out on the road and have your phone die and Capricorn can figure out how to get a free iPhone. They really can do just about anything — including the impossible!

2. Virgo (August 23-?)

Virgo is one of the biggest problem solvers of the zodiac, thanks to astrology blessing them with a strong analytical mind. They are perfectionists, and this trait gives them a sharp eye for noticing the smallest of details. They can look at any given situation, figure out what’s not working, and immediately know the solution to making things better.

3. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini is good to have around when you need a solution and need it fast. Gemini is imaginative, clever and very quick-witted. They can quickly figure out how to adapt to any situation, and being the brainiacs that they are — they are savvy at quickly assessing their environment and finding what’s useful to solving any problem at hand. They are definitely the “MacGyvers” of the zodiac.

4. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus are doers. Where there’s a will, there’s a way — and Taurus has the strongest will in the zodiac. “No” is an answer they won’t accept. “Beating the odds” is something they thrive on. Taurus is argumentative and loves to be right — they’ll make something happen just to prove others wrong. What some people view as Taurus’ negative traits (stubborn, argumentative, opinionated), actually empowers them to do what others said “couldn’t be done!”

5. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios resourcefulness comes by way of finding answers. They have strong investigative qualities that give them the ability to probe much deeper, get farther and dig further than others. They are able to spot the subtle yet tell-tale clues that reveal when someone is not being on the level. They pay more attention to what’s not being said than what is. They’re especially talented at getting other people to reveal things — even things they were trying to hide. Scorpio is the “Sherlock Holmes” of the zodiac.

