The 5 Most Stylish Zodiac Signs

Sign Says
3 min readJul 19, 2019

Some people just seem to be born with style. The truth is… They are! It’s in the stars. Some zodiac signs are naturally blessed with an innate sense of style. These signs just have a way of wearing the right things together — and wearing them well. Anything they wear looks fabulous. While some of them follow trends — some of them start and set the trends. Let’s meet these 5 zodiac signs…

1. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra is overflowing with panache and are totally addicted to style. Libras are often accused of being a slave to fashion, and it’s kind of true. Libra is obsessed over weight loss for no other reason than being able to wear certain styles of clothing that fit their body type. This fashion passion also leads to self-indulgent and extravagant purchases, which they justify as necessary to their lifestyle and/or career.

2. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus has a strong attraction to material things. They indulge in anything that helps to show off their personal style. And when we say indulge — it’s all the way! Taurus are attractive people and they know it. They can look good in anything, and often set trends, although their imitators don’t quite hit the mark of the original. Even though Taurus can look great in the simplest of things, they won’t spare any expense when it comes to looking their best. As a result, they stand out in the crowd with an air of importance or celebrity.

3. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Regal Leos stand out like nobility, looking like a superstar no matter what they wear. Nonetheless, they always dress to impress and put a lot of thought into their attire. Whether simple or expensive, Leo won’t be seen in anything that doesn’t flatter them. Leo loves being the center of attention, and will wear some extremely daring outfits that definitely turn heads. Leos strong sense of confidence completely rocks any fashion like no other!

4. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius is the style trendsetter of the zodiac. They either find an idea first or are the ones who take an idea they saw somewhere else and bring it to prominence. Even if they follow a trend, they’ll quickly alter it into a unique and new direction. Being idealistic, Aquarians aren’t fans of being gaudy or promoting materialism. Instead, they are the ones who take understated styles and make them look fashionable and fabulous.

5. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries are extroverted and bold, so it’s no surprise that they’re the same way when it comes to fashion. There among the first to flaunt daring outfits that the rest of the world will soon imitate in a “me too” way. But styles change for Aries like the weather. They need to keep the thrill going, so they’re compelled to constantly change their wardrobe. Aries are very impulsive buyers. They purchase a lot of wardrobe items to experiment with that don’t always work out and never make it outside their house. They can burn a lot of cash this way. Nonetheless, with everything Aries hits the street wearing, they wear like no other — definitely possessing that “WOW” factor!

