Social Media Marketing | Revolutionizing the Digital Marketing Landscape

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2 min readJun 29, 2017


Social media marketing has revolutionized the entire digital marketing landscape. While some marketers consider marketing through social media the “next big thing,” around, to many others, it’s just a fad that allows for a steep and complicated learning curve with no practical advantages.

Since, it appeared on the surface quickly, social media is perceived by some of the marketers for being a transitory marketing interest that wouldn’t yield much. The statistics, however, demonstrate an altogether different picture. According to Hubspot, out of the 92% of marketers in 2014 who stated that marketing using social media platforms was essential for their business, 80% of them indicated that their efforts resulted in targeted traffic to their websites. However, most of the participants are still aren’t sure about the kind of social media tools that can yield maximum results.

While the figures predict huge potential for marketing using social media channels for generating better sales, it also reveals a lack of understanding on the marketers’ side as to how to achieve those results. Take a quick look at some of the ways social media can benefit your business:

Increased Brand Recognition: Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin offer new channels of communicating your brand’s voice and content to your target audience. This is significant as it allows you to make yourself comfortable to new customers, while make yourself all the more familiar and recognizable to the existing customers.

Enhanced Brand Loyalty: Research conducted reveal that brands that engage on social media channels enjoy greater loyalty from their customers. Businesses should thus take advantage of the tools provided by social media when it comes to interacting with their customers. A strategic social media plan can play a significant role in turning consumers into brand loyal buyers.

Better Opportunities to Convert: Every post whether it is a blog post, video, image or comment that you make on these channels provides an opportunity for someone to first react, interact via site visit and eventually convert to a paying customers. Though, every interaction might not result in a conversion yet the likelihood of an ultimate conversion increases with every positive interaction.

Better Rate of Conversion: Since, there is a humanization element to these social media channels; it results in higher conversion rates in different ways. In fact, studies reveal that social media has a higher closing rate as compared to outbound marketing.

These are some of the benefits of supporting a long-term social media campaign.



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