How to Permanently Beat the Winter Blues

It’s all about mindset, shadow work, boundaries, and self-love

Your Spirit Guide
5 min readSep 18, 2024

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Winters are cold and dark, and it’s easy to get in a rut. Many of us claim we have seasonal depression or anxiety, but did anyone actually diagnose us?

For the undiagnosed who suffer in winter, there are clear ways to overcome the seasonal blues. Don’t worry, I won’t be preaching 5am runs and ice baths(!).

This article is about warm, healing energy — healing your body and mind. Here are 10 methods I recommend to fight off the winter blues for good.

10 Cures for the Seasonal Winter Blues

1. Learn to enjoy the feeling of cooler weather during exercise

It’s fine if you just go for a short walk: your aim should be to get a little bit of a sweat on, which will make the cold feel far more bearable.

Like me, you might then also start to enjoy exercising in cooler weather instead of in the summer. When you’re sweaty and out of breath, there’s nothing more refreshing than a cold breeze.

A woman walks along a snowy road towards a misty sunset

2. Harness long, warm baths and showers (and their lasting effects)



Your Spirit Guide

Holistic Healer and Intuitive Reader 👑 Follow me for guides to empower your healing, mindset, and self-growth 👑