I Just Graduated and Life Sucks — Reflections Part 1.

Yours Truly
2 min readJul 14, 2024


No, the title is not clickbait. Yes, this post is a reflection of my undergraduate journey, just not the type of reflection most people speak about.

Just like in high school, I started thinking about my university graduation from my first day of school. It looked like it was a thousand years ahead, but it sneaked up on me so fast; I didn’t even get the chance to say ‘Jack Robinson.’

This is it,’ I can’t count the number of times I’ve caught myself thinking this in the last couple of days. There is so much excitement and joy that comes with graduating college but, I don’t think we talk enough about the anxiety, the fear, the confusion, the imposter syndrome, and all the other mixed and overwhelming emotions that come along with this milestone. Society just expects you to be happy and all pumped-up for your future right after graduation.

Most of us go into college as teenagers — technically kids - and we come out on the other side as adults who are expected to have our entire lives figured out, expected to know who we are and what we want out of life. Unfortunately, I don’t have my shit together. I’m probably more confused about life now than I was when I started college and I’m sure there’s more people out there who share the same feeling as me.

As if all of these emotions aren’t overwhelming enough, there’s the constant ‘What next?’ attacking you from all angles.
I know most people asking this question mean well, but I think all fresh graduates will agree that we could use a break from hearing this phrase. It just feels like a lot of unnecessary pressure. I already spend half my time thinking about the next phase of my life, I don’t need people constantly reminding me of that too.
To be honest, I’m not 100% sure what’s next, and I think answering that question with an ‘I don’t know’ shouldn’t get me judging or disappointed stares.

So yeah, I just graduated, and the multitude of emotions are so overwhelming that every now and then, the realization makes life suck.

This is not a cry for help or empathy. This is just me saying what most people think the first few weeks after graduation when the future looks quite bleak and it’s just you and your thoughts.
This feeling of uncertainty and mixed emotions obviously fades away with time, however, I wish people talked more about it.

It’s not all that bad though, there’s a beauty to being done with this phase, that’s probably what I’ll be discussing in my next post.

Till next time,
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Yours Truly.



Yours Truly

Documenting my thoughts as a young adult. Sharing stories to drown the fears.