Finding Mr.Right! (part 2)

3 min readJun 11, 2024


I faced more rejections than rejections I made myself. The main reasons for these rejections were dowry and horoscope concerns. Some turned me away due to job-related issues or financial matters. Interestingly, a few rejected me simply because I am the eldest daughter, as if being the first son-in-law comes with an overwhelming burden of responsibilities. It’s a ridiculous superstition, as if we all become stray dogs and he is the only one feeding us. Such baseless beliefs! 🤦‍♀️

Anyway, let’s talk about this guy. The moment I laid eyes on him, I got an instant headache. You could tell from his appearance that he had a cunning nature. They all seemed to like me simply because of my looks. Apparently, in our caste, most people have a darker skin tone and despite our financial limitations, being a graduate and attractive girl seemed to be enough reason for their approval. They were financially good and the guy was running a business in the city. Everyone else seemed fine with it, but I was definitely not. He was overweight, and I didn’t appreciate his behavior towards me and many more. Despite my clear decision of saying no, my father seemed overjoyed because he believed I would be marrying into a high-class family and gaining financial benefits. He thought I would be able to travel in cars everywhere, and they weren’t even demanding a dowry. Oh my goodness… I prayed so hard for this match to be canceled. It seems that some higher power heard my prayers, and thankfully, my dad rejected them.

So, here’s the story. When we dug deeper into their family background, we discovered that they had a history of alcoholism, some pending police cases, and the guy had even cheated on a girl. It seemed like there were numerous issues going on within their family. With all these red flags, my dad got scared, and we made the decision to reject the proposal. Phew, what a relief! 😄

After that, this guy entered my life. During those days, Facebook and Yahoo Messenger were extremely popular since WhatsApp and Instagram hadn’t gained prominence yet. Oh boy, this guy is just awful to talk about.

So here’s the situation. This guy is average-looking, and his family seems decent enough. We’re in a bit of a dilemma because we’re not entirely convinced, but we don’t have a solid reason to completely reject him either. When he visited my house, he asked for my Facebook ID. In our chat, he revealed that he had a girlfriend but there were some family issues in their relationship, and his father didn’t approve of her. It seemed like a closed love story, and he claimed to have overcome his depression. He assured me that he would take good care of me, showered me with cheesy love phrases, and whatnot. Oh my goodness, I felt like I was trapped in a love triangle, and I was playing the role of the villain. It gave me chills. I genuinely felt sorry for him, but at the same time, I instantly disliked him and wanted to reject him. However, I couldn’t do anything because I couldn’t share the entire Facebook story with my dad. If I did, he would probably kick me out, as talking to boys before marriage is considered inappropriate by typical Indian parents. 😜 Some discussions took place, there were some delays, but in the end, this match didn’t work out. Just like every time, thank God for that!

So, it wasn’t just guys coming to my home, but we also had numerous phone calls and there were plenty of rejections on both sides. We even tried Skype video calls since zoom wasn’t popular back then. Let me tell you, Skype video calls were a mess! Some guys were working in the US and Dubai, so we had to make late-night video calls to match their time zones. It’s hilarious to think about it now, but I used to do full makeup and even wear a saree for those video calls. Can you believe how silly I was back then? 😄 Those stories are on a whole different level.. Lets talk about them some other time.

Of course, things got a bit easier when I moved to Bangalore for work. I upgraded from sarees to dresses, which was a relief. Plus, I didn’t have to meet the parents or family anymore. Instead, I could just go to a coffee shop and have direct conversations with the guys. Oh, the hilarious stories that unfolded! Stay tuned for my next post, where I’ll share all the juicy details. Thank you!




Mother! Engineer! Podcaster! Blogger! Author! Yes, I use AI. Content - My Heart!! Editor - AI !! "Love sharing funny stories to brighten people's day."😀🙏