The Sky is Not My Limits…I AM !!

Youssif Mohamed
3 min readMay 7, 2023


Have you ever felt like you weren’t capable of achieving your dreams? Like there was something holding you back, some invisible barrier that kept you from reaching your full potential? I know just because I have been there !!!

But then something changed. I had a breakthrough moment when I realized that the only one limiting my capabilities was within me. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault or the result of external circumstances — it was my own irrational fear and limiting beliefs that were holding me back.

Irrational fears are those that are not based on reality or are out of proportion to the actual level of danger or risk involved. These fears can hold us back from pursuing our dreams, trying new things, or stepping out of our comfort zones. 😱

Ironically, the fear of success may be more subtle and impactful than the fear of failure.

  • Success means change, and change can be scary even if it’s what you wanted. Failure allows you to return to your comfort zone, but success takes you into uncharted territory.
  • Success often means a bigger impact and role, with more responsibility and visibility. This can feel vulnerable because you’re under more scrutiny and judgment.
  • Success raises questions about whether you can meet new expectations and if you even want that pressure.

In short, the fear of success stems from the discomfort with change, increased vulnerability, and questions about living up to greater demands and responsibilities that come with achieving our goals. Though counterintuitive, this fear of success may be more significant than the fear of failure

Limiting beliefs, on the other hand, are deeply ingrained thoughts that constrain our potential and hinder our growth. They often manifest as self-doubt, lack of confidence, and negative self-talk. 🚧

So, how can we break free from these mental shackles and unlock our full potential? Here are some strategies to consider: 💡

  1. Identify and challenge your fears and beliefs. Recognize when irrational fears or limiting beliefs crop up, and actively question their validity. Are they based on facts or just assumptions? 🔍
  2. Reframe your perspective. Instead of focusing on potential failure, envision the positive outcomes and opportunities that could arise from taking risks and embracing change. 🔄
  3. Boost your self-confidence. Build a strong foundation by celebrating your achievements, learning from failures, and surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who believe in your abilities. 🏆
  4. Set realistic goals and take action. Establish attainable objectives and break them down into smaller steps. As you make progress, your irrational fears and limiting beliefs will begin to fade. 🎯
  5. Develop a growth mindset. Embrace the idea that you can improve and grow through practice, hard work, and resilience. This mindset will encourage you to challenge your fears and beliefs head-on. 🌱

Remember, we all experience irrational fears and limiting beliefs at some point in our lives. The key is to recognize these thoughts, challenge them, and take steps to overcome them. As we do so, we will be better positioned to achieve our goals and reach our full potential. 🚀

