How to know what you want in life?

Youssra Zekri
4 min readMay 30, 2019


Knowing what you want is the first step into living the life you want. by knowing your true self, what you love, your purpose, your dreams… you begin to gain the clarity that will companion you through this creative journey.

So here are the steps I took when I was figuring out what I want :

Step number 1: meet yourself once again

When I first decided to figure out what I want, I immediately took the 16 personalities test, it was a big help actually, it helped me understand my personality more, and why do I do the things I do, or why I react a certain way, because when you become conscious of how your personality is shaped, you begin to gain the power and will to change anything, and you gain a lot more clarity on what you want, based on the test’s results.

I gathered some pretty useful exercises that helped me on my journey, and I am certain it will help you too. You can copy and paste this link to download


step number 2: accept your current state

“you can’t move forward if you don’t accept what here, and now” this is a lesson I learned this past year, and it can imply on every situation you are in, like this one for example, you can’t know what you want if you are fighting the fact that you don’t know it yet.

When you fight something you are stuck with it, if you accept it you will let go.

By accepting your current life situation, you become more at ease and more at peace with yourself and that will create great opportunities for exploring different things and expanding your knowledge and your creativity, so accept your situation and take advantage of it.

Step number 3: get the freak out of your comfort zone

comfort zones: the place where meaningful actions sleep and drink hot chocolate.

If you want a change, if you want to create “the change”, the first thing you should do in any kind of situation, is to say to your comfort zone “bye bye Felisha”, and go out there, try new things, the things that you never thought you would do, the things that make you feel uncomfortable, and then I am more than confident that you will at least feel fulfilled and happy, because you will be living the human purpose, growing and exploring, which means you are enjoying the simple act of being.

I suggest doing what I did, forming a habit of getting out of your comfort zone, like for example every Saturday I will take a new online class or every week I will try a different workshop/hobby…

Step number 4: practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the key to every achievement or goal, because for example in this situation When you will become aware and mindful of what in you and what around you, you will quickly notice when something sparks a passion within you, and you will know then what actions to take. In my case, meditation is the thing that introduced me to my passion, and I will always be grateful for meditation, and grateful for who first told me about it.

I invite you to start mediating too, you will then walk away not just by knowing what your passion is, but with a lot of other helpful skills, such as self-awareness and mindfulness.

Step number 5: taking that first action

Actions are the tool that gets us from point A to point B, nothing else will.

When you feel like you found what you love and figured out your plan , take a real-life action and then test your abilities and really experience that passion, because to be real for a second the only true way you will figure anything out is by doing things, not thinking of things, like Marie forleo said “ clarity comes from engagement, not thought “. So go start that Instagram page, go start that blog, go open that business, go major in that field … the key here is taking risks and putting fear aside which according to humanity is what makes life interesting.

In conclusion, figuring out what you want is an important step in our lives, and no one will do it for you, no one should actually, you have to do it yourself so can you live this life to the fullest and enjoy every moment in this journey, since it is about the journey, not the destination.

Written with passion, youssra



Youssra Zekri

I write about everything related to human development. I am a student of life, a creator, and in-the-making entrepreneur