Endurance Training: The Best Tips & Tricks

4 min readOct 23, 2022


Endurance training

Endurance is an important part of our health. It makes us happier and more alive. With the help of endurance training, you strengthen your cardiovascular system, you strengthen your immune system and you increase your mental toughness.

By releasing happiness hormones, endurance training can even help against depression. In this article, we’ll give you some important information. You will be surprised how quickly and easily you can improve your stamina and therefore your health.

What you need to know about endurance training

Before we suggest the best possible solutions, it makes sense to get an idea of what background information you should have about endurance training. We’ve answered the most frequently asked questions in a few paragraphs to clear up any remaining doubts.

How can I train my endurance?

Endurance can be trained in many different ways. First of all, it is important to choose a sport in which you are in motion for thirty minutes if possible. The longer you move, the more your endurance is trained.
Jogging, cycling, and swimming are classic endurance sports and are suitable for everyone from the novice to advanced athletes. You can also improve your endurance through jumping rope, aerobics, rowing, or other sports. But always take good care of your body and don’t overdo it.

At what heart rate should I train my endurance?

The normal resting heart rate is between fifty and ninety beats per minute If you want to train your endurance, your pulse should be around 180 minus your age. However, this is only a rough guideline.

You can check your pulse during training with a heart rate monitor. In general, there are different heart rate ranges that give you specific goals. We want to show you this in a table. The percentages should be viewed in relation to your maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate for men is 220 minus age and for women 226 minus age.

Heartbeat Goal

50–60 % Your health will be improved
60–70 % Your basic stamina will be improved
70–80 % Your endurance performance will be improved
80–90 % You train to achieve a maximum performance increase
90–100 % You improve your maximum performance and speed

When you start training, you need to improve your basic endurance first. However, you can also use 70–80% of your maximum heart rate fairly quickly to increase your endurance. As a beginner, you won’t get in the range between 90% and 100%, and if you can, you shouldn’t. This is only suitable for professionals who want to maximize their power and speed

How long should endurance training last?

You probably think that endurance training is highly time-consuming, otherwise, you wouldn’t be training your endurance. However, this is not entirely true. Maximum success can also be achieved with minimum effort.
Extensive endurance training is therefore not necessary. If you train two or three times a week, twenty to thirty minutes sessions are enough to significantly improve your stamina. This means that you can also improve your health with a relatively small investment of time.

How fast can I train endurance?

You might have just started and had the idea to build up good stamina in two weeks! Then, unfortunately, we have to disappoint you. Despite this, beginners can quickly build up good basic stamina.

If you train regularly and stick to your plan, you can make significant progress in as little as four to six weeks. But train evenly and give your body enough time to recover. If you overload your body, you risk serious injury to your muscles.

What are the main components of endurance?

Endurance consists of seven main components. All seven are very important. Lactate tolerance allows the body to continue working when lactic acid has built up in the muscles. The second component is called specific muscular endurance. The greater your muscle strength, the greater your stamina.

This is due to the fact that only a certain group of your muscle fibers are being used at a time and your other muscle fibers can regenerate during that time. Aerobic fitness describes the ability to absorb and use oxygen. Other but self-explanatory components are efficiency, temperature control, fuel delivery, and mental strength.

How can I train endurance in a playful way?

Playful endurance training is especially suitable for children. It is meant to motivate them and make sports fun. The emphasis is on basic endurance and you should avoid anaerobic exercise if possible. However, short intensive interval training is possible. Any kind of catch game is best for this.

Obstacle courses are also good. However, in order to have a lot of fun, there has to be a little game behind the endurance exercise. This can be done, for example, with the help of a dice game in which the number of rounds to be run is rolled.

