Do I need health supplements?

youth berry
2 min readSep 23, 2017


Every one of us will have a faint memory of our moms running behind us constantly reminding to take our daily dose of supplements (apart from eating your greens, of course). You would keep thinking why? Most of us struggle understanding the immense importance given to nutritional supplements even if you’re a “healthy” eater. Well, what’s the deal? Do I really need to pop in those supplements?

While the awareness of leading a healthy lifestyle is widespread, the percentage of people who are able to execute in their daily lives is negligible. You’d think I am eating fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated and getting adequate sleep, so I am not deprived of any essential nutrients. However, sadly that is not true. Find out why.

The hype surrounding the organic produce may seem unnecessary and just another wave of trend which would fade soon. However, a healthy soil is vital for growth of a nutritious plant. Improper farming techniques cause depletion of nutrients due to repeated cultivation on the same piece of land.

Also, the fertilizers used sparingly ensure the survival of plants till they’re harvested. Plants are treated with pesticides and other chemicals so they no longer have to fight to live, which further diminish their nutrient levels and their phytonutrient content. Thus, if you’ve realised a balanced meal may not be enough and hence the nutrient supplements comes to your rescue.

There has been a constant debate between meat eaters and vegetarians regarding inadequacies of a vegetarian diet. However, it doesn’t hold enough grounds today when the grazing animals are fed grain rather than grass. Compared to grass-fed meat, grain-fed meat is abysmally low in antioxidants, micronutrients, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.

As you gradually age, production of digestive enzyme declines and slows down the process of breaking down and absorb nutrients from your foods. Thus, you require the nutrients in the most absorbable form possible. We bet this won’t make you think twice before popping your dietary supplements anymore.



youth berry YouthBerry is a leader in the natural supplement sector offering a range of 97 supplements.