Meet the Advisors: Katya Dorozhkina

3 min readMar 6, 2018


You may (or may not) have noticed the new list of advisors up on our landing page. What’s that all about? Who are these people and why does YouToken trust them so much? Those are all excellent questions and we will answer them all in the form of a blog post. This one specifically focuses on Katya Dorozhkina. Besides being our advisor and friend, Katya is a venture capitalist, blockchain investor and also a founding partner at Strata Ventures (among many other things). She has a long and illustrious history that could fill hundreds of blog posts but let’s try to condense it for you people reading at home.


Every good story has a good beginning and this one is no different. This relationship started when Katya and YouToken’s CEO Ilya Volkov met years ago on Wall Street while working with the Forex Club Group. Years later, Katya left Forex Club to start her own business. It wasn’t long before she became a VC and founding partner of Starta Ventures.


Starta Ventures was one of the first VC firms that used ICO technology to raise funds for ventures. Two years later after Starta, Kaya co-founded and helped to set up Starta Accelerator and Sputnik Space, an acceleration and co-working space for international founders. That same year, she teamed up with a Singapore partner to launch to launch Token Rockets, a program specifically designed for Blockchain startups.


We could end this article right now and you’d understand why Katya is such an excellent pick for our advisor board. Alas, we are not finished yet. It turns out Katya is a woman of many talents. When she’s not creating world-changing organizations within the FinTEch and crypto environments, Katy can be found speaking at a number of high-profile events around the world, such as the upcoming LendIt Fintech U.S.A.

Not only is she an accomplished speaker but her gift translates to paper as well. Ms. Dorozhkina contributes detailed articles to reputable sources such as On a less business-oriented note, Katya also enjoys expressing her creative side by writing children’s books.

Her magnetic personality, intelligent reputation and high-profile connections within the crypto world are just some of the reasons we welcomed Katya to our team of advisors. We’re extremely excited to have her name and skills associated with YouToken and we know this addition will not only benefit us but each and every user of this platform.

“I am very passionate about empowering entrepreneurs. As an early stage investor, I can say great companies are built by true hustlers and exceptional people. In determining the right people, the “good-to-great companies” place greater weight on character attributes rather than on specific educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge, or work experience. Thus, I am very passionate about YouToken since it aims to equip this group of people with the right tools to build something impactful.” — Katya Dorozhkina




YouToken, a unique platform that allows people to convert human intelligence into a financial asset (token) using blockchain technology.