5 Stretches recommended for people with lower back pains

Yu wei Phua
3 min readOct 20, 2016


If only I knew about these stretches during my younger days, it would have made a huge difference in managing my lower back pains.

I developed this lower back ailment during my early 20s. After each session of basketball, there was this tight sensation in my lower back, which felt absolutely sore and extremely uncomfortable.

Even performing the most simplistic housework such as washing the dishes was a chore and caused me a great deal of discomfort.

I’ve barely got my hands soaked in dish washing liquid and I could feel the aching sore emanating in my lower back.

Not to mention sweeping or mopping the floor. Essentially anything that required me to bend my back even slightly was causing me a significant amount of pain.

So I went to see a physiotherapist and explained to him regarding my symptoms. After assessing my condition, he gave me a great massage which definitely aided me in relieving the pain.

After that he also prescribed me a series of stretching exercises.

I religiously performed these stretches everyday for the next 2 weeks and I must say it has helped me immensely.

My lower back wasn’t as stiff as compared to 2 weeks ago and my flexibility has definitely improved as well.

I performed these 5 stretching exercises, which I believe will help most people with tight and stiff lower backs.

1. Lower Trunk Rotation


Lie on your back preferably on a yoga mat with knees together and bent with the sole of your feet fully flat on the ground.

Slowly roll your knees to one side whilst keeping your shoulders flat.

Maintain that posture for 10–30 seconds.

Roll your knees to the other side and maintain that posture for 10–30 seconds.

2. Bilateral Knee to chest stretch


Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor.

Lift your knees towards your chest.

Position your hands behind your knees and draw them towards your chest.

Hold the position for 10 seconds and relax.

Repeat this stretch 10 times.

3. Lower Trunk Flexion stretch


Sit on a chair/stool with your feet shoulder width apart.

Bend your head and trunk down between your knees rounding your upper body as much as possible.

Hold that position for 10–20 seconds

Repeat this stretch 10 times.

4. Back Foetal Stretch


Get onto your hands and knees. Start moving your bottom backwards and sit onto your heels.

Maintain this stretch for 10–20 seconds and then move your body forward.

Repeat this stretch 10 times.

5. Angry Cat Stretch (My favourite stretch..)


Position yourself with your hands and knees on the ground as shown in the illustration.

Arch your spine upwards for 10 seconds whilst relaxing your head between your shoulders.

After that relax for a couple of seconds before repeating this stretch 10 times.

Repeat this stretch 10 times.

All of these stretches have helped me to relief the muscle stiffness and alleviate back pains due to muscular pain. Besides stretching the muscles, it also aids in decompressing the pressure in the lower spine.

But before you perform any of these stretches, it is still advisable to consult medical professionals to identify the cause of your lower back pains.

These exercises have benefitted me thus I hope it will do the same for others.



Yu wei Phua

Ex-crazy scientist who is a life enthusiast exploring the new uncharted territories in his life.