I love wearing converse sneakers, they are comfy and go with any outfit i wear from dresses, skirts to jeans and shorts but with time i noticed that the white parts in the converse turn yellow, So today i’m going to show you how to clean and remove the yellowness from your converse.
Pour a little bit of bleach and dish soap into the bowl then mix them together with the toothbrush until the mixture is combined. (Don’t forget to wear gloves to protect your hands from chemicals).
Grab a towel and put it on the table then place the converse on it, it‘s better to do this over the sink to avoid the mess and the staining that bleach does to colored fabrics.
Soak the toothbrush in the mixture and start brushing the yellowy parts gently and very carefully in a back and forth movement with avoiding the contact of the solution with the dark fabric because the bleach will stain it.
After you finished brushing let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes then rinse it with water.
After rinsing it, pat it with a clean towel and let it air dry. When comparing the washed and the unwashed one you can see a big difference between them.
Now take the other shoe to clean it.
Do the exact same steps to the other shoe: brush it, let it sit then rinse it.
You can see how clean and white the sneakers become.
Now you can enjoy your day with bright clean converse.
(Sarra is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.)
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