The Real Reason Why Dog Food Is Brown

2 min readJun 9, 2023


Have you ever wondered why dog food is always brown in color?
If your best fur friend is struggling with jumping up on the couch, something he always loved to do and would be much slower up and down stairs? If you are buying your fur friend all the very best food and never missed a vet check but your love is still looking at you with his sad little eyes?

The latest research confirms that the food that promises to get your dog in good shape and provide him with all the nutrients he needs is cutting his life shorter by a third.

Top researchers have recently discovered a new method for your fur friend to regain a dog’s vitality, enjoy better digestion, and maintain a healthy, shiny coat.

This breakthrough discovery explains the real reason why stray dogs live up to 20 years, even though they live on the streets and in terrible conditions.

This discovery is already helping thousands of dogs transform their blood circulation and nutrient absorption capacity. Your dog would finally feel comfortable in his body after years of suffering he couldn’t even speak to you about.

This simple method is affordable for the owner, has zero side effects, and is easy to put into your dog’s routine in the comfort of your home in a matter of seconds each day.

Give your beloved pets a new lease on life with a product that will immediately increase their energy levels, improve joint lubrication and flexibility, and resolve long-standing digestive issues such as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Not only will your pets look better, but they’ll also feel more comfortable and freer from discomfort.

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