Stop Trying to Understand Everything

Letting Go of the Need to Understand: Embracing Life’s Unpredictability

Afury Jusputo
4 min readSep 21, 2023
Photo by Sammie Chaffin on Unsplash

No, I am not talking about things you actually need to understand: school content, business objectives, family problems, financial goals, etc.

Have you ever found yourself confused why someone did something? Or found yourself scratching your head over something that happened in life? Maybe one thing was supposed to happen and then the unexpected popped out of nowhere.

It is a natural tendency to want to understand what happens around us. It gives us a sense of control in our lives. If we understand why the people around us do what they do and we understand why things happen around us, we will never feel lost. We’ll know what to expect.

And that’s the keyword here: want.

But do we actually need to understand?

We find ourselves many time trying to understand everything we experience. Understand everyone around us. And understand THEIR choices.

The matter of the fact is that things happen with no explanation and no logical sense. We expect one thing and something completely unexpected catches us off guard.

Many times throughout our lives, and there are times I am sure you can think of right now, we need to learn to accept things without understanding.

Why would they do that?

How did that even happen?

I can’t believe someone would say something like that?

You see, choices are based off of backgrounds, experiences, and upbringing.

Personalized backgrounds.

Personalized experiences.

Personalized upbringings.

And you have a different background and upbringing than me and have had different experiences, and vice versa. What you do won’t always make sense to me and what I do won’t always make sense to you.

By letting go of trying to understand and accepting outcomes, That’s the only way you’ll be able to add more sense into the things you do. The things you aspire to be. If you don’t, there can be some consequences that will affect your everyday life:

You’ll hurt your relationships, pestering them on the choices they make

Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

When we constantly try to dissect and understand every choice made by the people around us, we inadvertently put strain on our relationships. We might question their motives, criticize their decisions, or offer unsolicited advice, all of which can lead to frustration and conflicts.

This persistent need to understand can make others feel judged or untrusted, and it can damage the bonds we share with them. Instead, by giving people the space to make their choices and respecting their individual perspectives, we foster healthier, more supportive connections.

You’ll drive yourself crazy

The pursuit of understanding everything can be mentally exhausting. It can lead to overthinking and anxiety as we grapple with unanswered questions and seek meaning in every situation.

We might find ourselves caught in a cycle of rumination, constantly replaying events and conversations in our heads. This mental turmoil can have detrimental effects on our overall well-being, leaving us stressed and emotionally drained. You will find yourself unable to focus on the things that have a direct impact in your life, causing your mind to run in circles.

By embracing the idea that not everything needs to be understood, we can free ourselves from this mental burden and find greater peace of mind.

You will become isolated

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Constantly striving to understand everything and everyone can make us come across as judgmental or overly critical, which can alienate us from our social circles.

People may hesitate to share their thoughts and feelings with us if they feel that they will be met with scrutiny or judgment. Over time, this can lead to isolation, as friends and loved ones distance themselves to protect their own emotional well-being.

To maintain healthy relationships and a sense of belonging, it’s important to let go of the need to understand every detail and instead focus on empathy, trust, and acceptance.


The next time you find yourself bewildered by a situation or someone’s choices, consider the possibility of accepting the mystery. Sometimes, it’s in these moments of surrender that we discover the true beauty of life — its unpredictability, its surprises, and its limitless potential. Embrace the uncertainty, and you’ll find a path to a more content and connected existence.



Afury Jusputo

Software Engineer | Love to write and watch movies| CA