What is the best company to order a credit report from?

23 min readApr 10, 2019


What is the best company to order a credit report from?

I am looking to order a credit report..i already used true credit and was unhappy with the lack of length of time or when last payment was made or recorder(last communication with the creditor was not there. thanks

Answer : http://creditandfinancesol.info/index.html?src=MEDFEBweimie6E .

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“What is the best company to order a credit report from?

I am looking to order a credit report..i already used true credit and was unhappy with the lack of length of time or when last payment was made or recorder(last communication with the creditor was not there. thanks

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(Trans Union) Condition:Paid Balance:$0 Type: Credit Card Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff (Equifax) High Balance: 287 Date Reported:01/01/2009 Balance:0 Condition:01/01/2009 Responsibility:Individual (Equifax) High Balance:674 Date Opened:10/01/2007 Date Reported:11/01/2008 Balance:0 Condition:11/01/2008 Responsibility:Individual
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Could I be approved for an auto loan in my own?
All my credit scores all all over 700’s and I make $13,000/year working part time. When I apply for a used car would, I plan to have all my credit cards paid off so I’ll have no debt when I apply. I live at home. I pay no rent. What are the chances of them approving me? I know my score are good, but I’m worried about my income. Should I have my mon co sign?””
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“”APR is confusing me, can you help please? I am applying for a credit card and don’t want to make a mistake.?””
I am in the process of applying for a Capital One Classic Platinum credit card I just want to make sure I am getting the right card first. The terms of their APR and the variable rates and balance transfers. What is the prime rate. I suppose im not the brightest bulb, I need everything below spelled out for me. I just need to know what these terms mean please. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR) for purchases 0% (0.00000% daily periodic rate) through your 05/2009 billing period. After that, a variable rate, currently equal to 14.9% (0.04082% daily periodic rate). Other APRs Special transfer APR: A variable rate, currently equal to 14.9% (0.04082% daily periodic rate). Balance transfer APR: A variable rate, currently equal to 14.9% (0.04082% daily periodic rate). Cash advance APR: A variable rate, currently equal to 22.9% (0.06274% daily periodic rate). Default APR: A variable rate, currently equal to 24.9% (0.06822% daily periodic rate). See explanation below. Variable rate information Your purchase APR may vary quarterly. The rate will be determined by adding 9.9% to the Prime rate.* Rate in effect 10/01/2008. Your balance transfer APR may vary quarterly. The rate will be determined by adding 9.9% to the Prime rate.* Rate in effect 10/01/2008. Your cash APR may vary quarterly. The rate will be determined by adding 17.9% to the Prime rate.* Rate in effect 10/01/2008. Your special transfer APR may vary quarterly. The rate will be determined by adding 9.9% to the Prime rate.* Rate in effect 10/01/2008. Your default APR may vary quarterly. The rate will be determined by adding 19.9% to the Prime rate. * Rate in effect 10/01/2008. Grace period for repayment of the balance for purchases 25 days from the date of the periodic statement on new purchases (provided you have paid your previous balance in full by the due date). From my understanding this is saying that my 14.9 % apr will go up 9.9% if and when the rate varies? I am so lost please help. Thank you.””
Who do we file a complaint with on the company who finances our auto loan?
In a phone conversation today the man even mentioned we always make our payments on the 15th or the last day of the month and asked is that when you get paid. We said yes. We are not behind in our payments as far as not making them we haven’t missed a payment at all. It was just last months payment was late a few days and now they say they changed their policies that it must be no later than 48 hours late or they will begin calling everyone. He was calling days before the payment was even due demanding we give him a post dated check for the one that was past due and also for the upcoming month that isn’t due until April 24th.
How can I erase my debt?
I’m unemployed and have no $$.
Would i be able to get an auto loan for 2000 dollars or up to 5000 dollars for 12 to 36 months.?

Car Loan Credit???
without a huge down payment what kind of credit score should i have to get a car loan…. thanks
My credit union has counter offered my loan….?
Update: We have been emailing back and forth. Basically the tiered rate would be 2% higher than their regular terms. But she says they can’t use my car as collateral because the trade in value is a little less than what I owe. They are asking if I have other collateral. What else could I even use? I don’t own a home, don’t have any savings, and this is my only car.””

“”What exactly is a Shylock””””?””””””
I read about Shylock in the Merchant of Venice. Exactly what is a shylock though, and is it a politically correct term?””
“What is the best company to order a credit report from?

I am looking to order a credit report..i already used true credit and was unhappy with the lack of length of time or when last payment was made or recorder(last communication with the creditor was not there. thanks

Payday Cash advance which one is the best (Experience only please)?
I need a quick loan for tomorrow, my next payday is next friday, I see all those websites that says 60 minutes payday advance and all of that instant approval but i cannot find any reviews about it anywhere. If anyone had any experience with one or knows someone who did pls tell me which one is the best. I know that the interest will be high but that’s fine I need the loan so I gotta accept what comes with it. Thanks :-)””

My credit cards are killing me so what are my options?
I have a few too many credit cards. I am struggling to make the minimum payments lately and I’ve been told to make a deal with them where they will lower the balance and remove the interest rate. It does hurt the credit score but it is not as bad as bankruptcy and the score will eventually recover. Anybody have any thoughts on this? or any other ideas as how to help me?
Can I include a private loan in bankruptcy?
This is a 1st. There are papers but we never received a copy. We trusted him to be fair then he said it’s an interest only loan so not one penny has gone on the house so we get nothing. We haven’t missed a payment yet but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. Even tho we haven’t missed any he’s been after us to sell.
I had a bankruptcy four years ago and included my house. But i stayed in the house .can i get a mortgage?
i stayed in the house for three more years then had a foreclosure.now there is nothing on my credit report. Can i get a new home loan?
Can i get help with a deposit on a private rented house?
i think your all getting the wrong impression. i have a 2 yr old son an one on the way and would like to move because of an abusive ex partner who has a courtinjunctionn but it expires in nov i am in a council property at min but they have only banded me silver and im having no luck with a exchange and want to get out of here for a fresh start for my kids. I am NOT asking anyone to foot the bill at all a loan is all i am asking to get me up and running that i INTEND on paying back the full amount.
Are you permitted to included a repossessed vehicle in a bankruptcy?


How bad does a credit history have to be for a denial of a direct parent PLUS loan?
I just wanted to know, does your credit history have to be squeaky clean in order to be approved? My father has a few late payments (about 0–5 listed on his report. But no bankruptcies, foreclosures, or repo’s), will that stop him from getting the loan? Has anyone been approved of a parent PLUS loan with a few delinquencies?””
Is 3.75% a good interest rate for a mortgage?
-What is the average interest rate that first time homebuyers, or any homebuyer, gets? -What decides how high or low an interest rate is? -Is an interest rate the same for everyone across the board at a given time or, does it vary at all times?(I ask because, i hear a lot of this is the best time to buy a home/interest rates are at an all time low) Thanks!””””””
What is best for Credit? Pay off or large payments?
What would be better for raising my credit score… paying off an auto loan completely in 1 payment or paying extra $500-$1000 payments each month?

Experian score of 755 cant get credit?
21k earnings only debt is sofa with 8 months left to pay. Had loans in past. Never missed a payment. Can’t get loan or credit card but offered 1600 overdraft! Even chap in bank surprised! Updated my previous addresses, closed inactive bank accounts. Baffled!””
What is best for Credit? Pay off or large payments?
What would be better for raising my credit score… paying off an auto loan completely in 1 payment or paying extra $500-$1000 payments each month?
How to Build your credit with new Social Security Number ?
I do not have 2 social Security numbers. I just got my social security number so it’s new.
What is the difference between chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Payday loan without a checking or savings account?

“”I am currently in bankruptcy ch 13, am I able to get a mortgage, or do I have to wait until I payoff my Bankru
I filed almost 3 years ago and I plan to have it paid off in the next year.
A debt collection agency is threatening to take me to court if I don’t pay up $250 by today what can I do?
I don’t get paid untill tomorrow and they’re telling me that my account with a Payday loan went into default and they got the debt sold to them and they’re threatening to take me to court the same company called me a while back and told me the debt I owed was $800 and now they say its $750 and if I dn’t pay them $250.00 so they can hold the matter and not sign off on my document to take to court then they will take me to court for around $3,000 after interest. I don’t get paid untill tomorrow and they don;t care about nun of that they want the money today of they will take me to court what can I do? I tried calling legal advice places and most of them are closed today what can I do??????????””
Paying off car loan with Credit Card to earn points?
I have 7,000 dollars left on my car loan and i can pay it off but I wanted to earn points. Is it possible to pay off my car loan with my credit card, earn my rewards points, then pay off my credit card in full?””
How soon after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can you buy a home?


“”What does insufficient credit information”””” mean?””””””
I’ve been trying to get credit cards and keep getting denied and directed to that freeannualcreditreport site. Then that is the message that all 3 of the sites on that site give me. I’m just trying to get a credit card to make sure my credit is alright. My Dad told me to try to get one to see if my credit was good because he thinks my Mom is the devil or something lol. Does this message mean that there is no credit history at all or that something did go wrong? Also, to anyone that has used that anual credit report site: Do they insist that you have a mortgage out? They said our records show that you have a mortgage from 2002"”
“”Pay day loans, really bad credit?””
I have been ill all week so could not make it into work, I work for an agency so I don’t get paid if I am off sick. I’m looking to get a small loan of around 200 to tide me over next week. However I have a very bad credit rating. I know it’s highly unlikely but is there anyone that would accept me & give me a small loan. I don’t really have anything I can pawn. TIA””
Where can i get an auto loan having low income?
of course i’m planning on buying a cheap car.. like around 3,000.. but i don’t have that all right now and i don’t have time to save it.””
“What is the best company to order a credit report from?

I am looking to order a credit report..i already used true credit and was unhappy with the lack of length of time or when last payment was made or recorder(last communication with the creditor was not there. thanks

Can I have two housing loans and claim benefits?
Hi All, I am a salaried employee and has a home which is self occupied. I dont stay in the city where my house is. I intend to take another house, again in the city where I dont live. Will banks give me loan for second house? Can I add up interest component of EMI of both the houses and claim full deduction from my taxabale income? Here I undertsand that principle cannot be claimed more than 1 lac. Correct me if I am wrong? Last can banks extend the tenure of the existing homeloan, so that monthly EMI goes down?””
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My husband wants to file his taxes at a tax filing place instead of using taxact like he did last year. He wants to do that because he wants to get his return back in the same day. What is the best place to do that and why?
Best company to refinance auto loan with?
I have an 08 Lancer Evolution, but was recently laid off. I am now stuck with a 517.00 payment along with 75.00 for insurance. I can’t sell the car because I owe 28,4 on it and mitsubishi still has 0% so I will lose a lot if I sell the car. I have 0% myself, but have only made 5 payments on the car. I would be willing to pay some interest if I could go up to 72 or even 84 months. Does anyone know which company has the lowest refinance rates right now? and if so, what are they?””

“”This is my 1st credit card, I need help!?””
ok, so I am a student in college, and I signed up for a student credit card with my bank. I already have a checking/debit card but I am thinking of my future and want to build my credit as soon as I can.. So, I really dont understand anything, and I am very confused about the vocabulary and terms and such. Here is what the Cardmember Agreement States: APR for purchases= Prime Rate + 13.99%, but not less than 19.990%………………….19.990%, Variable APR for cash advances=Prime Rate + 16.40%………………….21.150%, Variable minimum standard APR for cash advances will not decrease below 21.15% regardless of the Prime Rate…………. 0.05794% Daily periodic rate minimum standard default APR will not decrease below 29.99% regardless of of the changes to the prime rate…………………….0.08216% daily periodic rate card limit $600 cash limit $300 **************************************… ok so i dont plan on making any cash advances, and i know to always pay my balance in full if i can. If i can’t pay off as much as I can a month. My card is from Wachovia, if that helps? And are these numbers bad or what? Remember, I am a student with no credit. Can someone tell me what is stated above because I have no idea what they are saying. Heres an example: If I charge $200 but cannot pay it in full, how much interest am I being charged. What would be the full total amount including interest and the charge? How long do I have to pay of my charge if I decide to make payments?””
Which is the best credit card to apply for to borrow $2500–3000? i need your advice please help.?

What is the highest allowable APR for auto financing in WA state?
What is the highest allowable APR for auto financing in WA state? I’m trying to determine if the dealer might fall under restrictions of usury, as we just got a car financed at 29.9%. The dealer has also decided that our financing will not be reported to a credit bureau unless we are ever late on a payment. While looking for a car, I had my credit run at several places, and was told I have credit in the high 700s. This just doesn’t feel normal to me, and I was wondering if there is a cap on the APR allowed for auto financing in WA state. Anyone know?””
Builders Risk Insurance for a Construction Loan on a Mobile Home?
We are trying to buy a new Mobile Home which will be converted to real property. We are working with a very well known bank institution and have been approved for a construction loan. They are telling me that Builders Risk Insurance needs to be purchased before they can give us a final approval on the loan. I called the local insurance companies and they insist they do not cover it for Mobile Homes. I brought this to the banks attention over a month ago, yet they are still telling me I need to get Builders Risk Insurance. What do I do? Supposably the mobile home builders don’t cover the Builders Risk Insurance or the contractor, so it’s up to me. How does this usually work? Is the buyer usually the one responsible for this?””
Can you get an automobile loan if you file chap 7 bankcruptcy?
lets say you have a car loan from Toyota Finance. Then you file chap 7 bankruptcy and return the car. after 10 years, chap 7 dissapears from your credit. but will Toyota let you finance another car with them or are you forever on their naughty list.””
How can i check my credit rating?
I wanna know if it’s bad coz there was a scam one time. Please Help.

Can I pay my Discover card bill with another credit card?
I am trying to spend a high amount of money on a different credit card to get a reward thing, so I would like to pay my Discover bill with a different card. However, I only see the option to pay my Discover bill through a bank account. Am I missing something? Is it possible to pay my bill with a credit card? Thanks!””
Looking for personal installment loans with bad credit?
Please help I am 60yr old and unemployed
Wreck/Auto loan/Credit score?!?
Okay, my husband got into a wreck & our insurance company paid off his $14,000 auto loan. My question is, will paying off a 5 year car note in one year raise his credit? Or will it not affect his credit at all? This is his first accident, so we’ve never been through this before. Any pointers will be great :)””

How do I get a credit report without having to give credit card details?
Previous credit card theft, wanting to purchase a personal loan but worried credit rating may be affected.””
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Should I pay off my car loan?
I owe $15,700 in car loans with 6.99% APR for 60 months. I pay around 490 a month on my car loan. That’s the only loan I have. I don’t have student loans or any credit card loans. I rent a room and I have a job. Throughout time, I was able to save up $16000. Now I was wondering if I should use my savings to payoff my car loan? Why?””
I have $4000 in Savings at 4% APR and owe $1900 on car at 5% APR. Pay car off or keep in savings?
Min payment is 160/month so at min payment I have 12 months left. I have made larger payments and I am 34 months into the 60 months loan.
Where can you check your credit report for free?

Can I get a cashier check with my American Express card???
I want to get a cashier check or a money order from a Grocery store and I want to know that am I able to get it by usung my American Express card???Also if I can can you tell me where and how???
What happens when I sign a quit claim deed form so my ex can apply for a loan modification as the home is in foreclosure?
My ex-husband and I jointly own a home which he was awarded in the divorce. He is former military. The home was purchased with his VA loan. He was injured on the job and was unable to make payments on the home and thus the home went into foreclosure. A foreclosure date has not yet been set. He is now recovered and back on the job. He is able to afford the monthly payments but not able to pay the amount needed to get the home out of foreclosure status. He is interested in staying in the home and eventually refinancing in his name. To refinance, he was informed he would need to make a year of consistent payments. To stay in the home now so he can start to make these payments, he is interested in applying for a loan modification, which he would likely qualify for on his own. He has asked me to sign a quit claim deed form so that he can apply with his income only. I am not interested in having any ownership or responsibility for the home, but I understand that a quit claim form releases me only from the title and not the mortgage and that the bank could hold me liable for payments. Since the home is already is foreclosure status, am I really losing much of anything (my credit is already trashed because of the missed payments)? What are all the possible consequences for me if he is grated the loan modification but defaults on the loan again before he is able to refinance in his name other than my credit?””

How to raise credit score with credit cards?
Is it wise to decrease your credit limits on credit cards that are seldom/never used? I know not to close the accounts because it will hurt my credit score, but if I just lower my credit limit, as long as I am still under the magic 10–30% usage of my total credit limit, can that actually help? I have heard that having too much credit can be considered a negative. I am hoping to purchase a home within the next 6–8 months and I am trying to do what ever I can to increase my chances of a good mortgage rate. BTW, I have done the free credit reports, and everything is correct. I have paid off most of my credit debt over the last year, and I am currently at about 15% of my total credit limit. I do have too many credit cards (6), but I am afraid to close them outright. Of those six credit accounts, three are completely paid off and never used, the one I regularly use is paid off every two weeks, one should be paid off completely in a month, and the other is getting paid off before I start filling out mortgage applications. I also have student loans, and a car loan that I am currently paying off as well. Sorry if this is too much information, but I want anyone who can give me an answer to have the full picture. Any help is appreciated.””

“What is the best company to order a credit report from?

I am looking to order a credit report..i already used true credit and was unhappy with the lack of length of time or when last payment was made or recorder(last communication with the creditor was not there. thanks

