Heneral Luna: A Victim and Hero

Ysabella Therese K. Villavicencio
5 min readJan 24, 2021


Heneral Luna is a historical film created last 2015 in order to depict Antonio Luna’s life as a General in the military to us Filipinos. Many are unaware of the sacrifices, events, and challenges our heroes made and encountered in order to be where we are today. Today, I will be writing in order to help all of you see eye-to-eye in what truly happened to Antionio Luna during the Philippine-American war.

Antonio Luna’s life was very privileged before his military career. He came from a family that was more than comfortable financially. He also had a happy childhood with loving parents and siblings. As a child it was never really brought his attention to want to be part of the military as he did not take interest in those kind of things. Then he and his brother, Juan Luna, studied in Europe. And there, the state of their country– the Philippines, was brought to their attention. The execution of Jose Rizal opened their eyes to see how the Spaniards really are. Because of this Antonio and Juan both saw eye to eye that the Philippines was not capable of being united on their own, not unless someone were to step up and lead them. With being a successful doctor, Antonio Luna decided to fight for the Philippines, which led him join the military. Comparing him to someone from today’s time, I would really see his personality in doctors and front liners. With facing this pandemic is like facing a war. Every day we lose so many of our people and even day as well, we have front lines sacrificing their lives for the betterment of these sick people, which is what Antonio Luna did at his time. The dedication that Antonio Luna and these front lines have is one great similarity they both share.

Upon watching the film, Heneral Luna was beyond ready to do everything and anything for the Philippines. He placed it first above all his needs. Being a leader to others, though some doubted him at first, he led them to one common ground– which is to fight for the Philippine independence. Filipino men grew more united as they all worked together for a common cause. He was even able to get 4000 Filipino men. Although he had to threaten them at first it was seen that he knew how to get people together for the betterment of the Philippines.He encouraged his men to put the Philippines before themselves, just like what Garcia did. Heneral Luna was afraid to face anything, as long as it was all for his country. Although many doubted his attitude towards certain things and situations, they still knew that he was useful in getting things done and most especially uniting the Filipino men.

Emilio Aguilnado and Apolio Mabini were portrayed to be idealized at first due to the amount of trust they placed in Heneral Luna most especially when many were against him. They believed in his work and let him do whatever he wanted for the betterment of the military and the Philippines. Although, towards the end of the film, Aguilnado was portrayed to be demonized due to him making the irrational decision of ordering to kill Heneral Luna. Even though at the back of his mind he knew Heneral Luna had genuine intentions for the Philippines, he decided to be clouded with the thoughts and rumours many were telling him. While on the other hand, I think throughout the movie Mabini was idealized, but it just so happens that he was Aguilnados right hand– which led to him being portrayed as taking Aguilnado side frequently. Though, Mabini finally took a stand when writing his book “La Revolucion Filipina” and exposed Emilio Aguinaldos role in the dead of not only Antonio Luna but Andres Bonifacio as well.

A few takeaways I got from the film regarding leadership was, first, to put our people before us. Making sacrifices are needed in order to be a great leader to others. Second, not to abuse the power one holds. Although in the film, there were instances that Heneral Luna was aggressive about his power and took advantage of it, he used it as well for the betterment of the Philippines as a whole. And lastly, to always confront and confirm before believing what others tell you. I think as a leader it is important to get your facts straight and not make permanent decisions based on irrational judgements and feelings. It is important to be fair and to think fairly. Most of all it is important to believe facts instead of rumors and lies. I always knew that Aguilnado was the cause of Antonio Lunas death, but I did not know that at first, he favored him; which surprised me and made me portray him as a good person at first. It also intrsted me that the Spoliarium and the Parisian Life were recreated in the film just as how Juan Luna Painted them to be with the same intention he had. The movie portrayed Juan Lunas idea and interpretation of those two paintings.

At first, I saw that Aguilnado and Mabini both had faith in Heneral Luna. They believed that he was their best General and even the Americans were aware of that. They let Antonio do whatever he wanted to lead his filipino men at first. Although many men felt stepped on by Heneral Luna due to him taking advantage of his authority from time to time. This led to rumors being made up and stories blown into proportion. Because of this, it led to Aguilnado turning his back against Antonio Luna and believing the rumors that Heneral Luna wanted to take his position as president. This led to him secretly ordering to have Heneral Luna killed. Although To begin with, I think that Aguinaldo believed in Luna until he was brainwashed by his other men thus leading him to be portrayed as one of the antagonists in the movie. Though, many may disagree with me, but I personally don’t think that Heneral Lunas death was worth dying for. The cause of his execution was due to the President’s decision in believing others when he single-handedly knew that Luna was a good general that would have sacrifice anything for the Philippines. My final thought regarding Heneral Luna’s death is, with Luna dying, there was no sacrifice made; it was all due to the presidents selfish and brainwashed mindset.

