Website User Experience Design — Interactive Experience in Singapore

user experience
2 min readJan 24, 2018


The website is designed to provide visitors with services. The interactive experience of the users mainly emphasizes ease of use and usability. The user experience determines the viscosity of the website users and the online stay time, which can be measured in terms of website analysis. The following summarizes the dimensions of the specific performance of the interactive experience:

Membership application: Introduce clear member rights and responsibilities, and prompt the user to confirm the terms have been read.

Member Registration: The process is clear and concise. After the member registration is successful, further detailed information.

Form fill: Try to use the drop-down options, you need to fill in the part to be specified to fill in the content, and the required fields to make restrictions.

Form submission: Fill in the form required to enter the verification code to prevent water. After the submission is successful, thank you prompts should be displayed.

Button Settings: The buttons for interactivity must be clearly highlighted to ensure that the user can click clearly.

Click Tips: Click Browse Information Color needs to be displayed in different colours to distinguish between unread content, to avoid repeated reading.

Error Tip: If the form is filled in incorrectly, you should indicate where to fill in the error and save the original contents to reduce duplication of work.

Online Q & A: After the user asked the background to be timely feedback, the background shows a new question to ensure the timely response.

Feedback: When the user in the use of any problems, can provide feedback at any time.

Online Survey: Set a survey of issues of concern to the user and display the survey results to increase user engagement.

Online Search: After the search is submitted, a clear list is displayed and the relevant characters in the search result are distinguished by different colours.

Page refresh: try to use non-refresh (AJAX) technology to reduce page refresh rate.

New window: try to reduce the newly opened window, in order to avoid opening too many invalid windows, set the pop-up window to close the function.

Data security: to ensure the security of data security, encryption and preservation of customer passwords and data.

Display path: no matter which level the user browses, which page can know the path of the page clearly.

For some e-commerce website user experience design may be more complex than the above, the design is more clever, for example, the user registration process, some sites will not be up to let users register, but slowly browse the product in the process of users Guide the registration, and the registration process is very simple.

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user experience

What is user experience? I think, in the narrow sense, user experience refers to the subjective feeling of the user’s visual and easy use of a product.