Fan fiction or how human creativity goes beyond the limits

Yolanda Saray
2 min readMar 18, 2020


I often hear people talking about fanfiction as it’s something taboo, something that you shouldn’t read ’cause its weird or even bad. If you’re that kind of people, this blog is definitely not for you so feel free to stop reading. Otherwise, if you like fanfiction, or if you’ve never heard of it, then I invite you to keep reading as this might help you learning some stuff. Let’s get started then.

First things first, when we talk about fanfiction we’re talking about texts written by fans based on any work of fiction (books, movies, cartoons, videogames, TV shows, anime, theatre, etc.) or even real people (singers, actors…). Those stories can be based on a single work or can mix as much works as the author wants (for example, two books, a movie and a book, etc.), that is what we call a crossover.

The world of fanfiction it’s as old as literature itself. People have been writing stories based on other author’s works since the very beginning, an example of this are the diferent versions of the myths written in the ancient Greece. Some people even consider the fanfiction as the contemporary version of the pastiche.

In this blog we’re going to see come of the basic concepts of the fanfiction such as “genre”, “rating” or “warning” and some vocabulary that is often used by the community.

This is all for today, see you next week. Meanwhile, feel free to explore some fanfiction sites and if you see any term you don’t understand or you have any question, leave a comment and I’ll be happy to answer you.



Yolanda Saray

Spanish, lvl. 24, Advertising student, currently obsessed with Good Omens