Masai School Construct Week Project Experience

Yogesh Sambare
4 min readOct 3, 2021


The Masai construct week was a very memorable one for me, as it was my first time working in a group on a project like this means totally Online.

One week ago, when we didn’t know what the construction week and the project’s schedule were. Then I started thinking about it a bit,

Like in which group we will put, group members will we choose or we will choose faculty some questions like this,

Then later the build week schedule was announced, and we got our project members and project title,

our project is cloning the website

And there were four members in my team including me.

1. Tarun Ahirwar

2. Biswajit Biswal

3. Dharmesh Sonar

4. Yogesh Sambare (me)

Then on Saturday, when we were assigned the project. The same day we arranged Google Meet at 9 pm the night, and everyone distributed the work.

Then we started work,

For me, this build week experience was very good, in which I learned some very important things like teamwork, progressing my work according to the standards of other team members, and many more.

How We Distribution Our Project Work (As an Unknown Team-mates)

There were a total of four members in our team, including me, We all distributed the work according to our strengths.

We had to clone the website.

So we did this analysis. First of all, what is the niche of the website? And from what intent does the particular user come to this website,

So we found this is an e-commerce website where users usually come to buy the product,

So according to that, we decided to create some main pages due to the time limit of 1 week,

1. Website Homepage

2. Create Account Page & Sign in Page

3. Product Page

4. User Contact Us Page

5. Cart Page

6. Checkout Page

7. Order Placed Page

1. HomePage

Homepage created by Dharmesh Sonar,

With some slider, product list, dropdown menu, search bar, footer, and some JavaScript functionality

2. Create Account Page & Sign in Page

This page created by Tarun

On this page, the user can create his account, and then by going to the sign-in page, he can access his account to track his orders by shopping easily.

Create Account Page
Sign In Page

3. Product Page

I have created a product page (Yogesh Sambare)

So as we know, when we search for a product on Google, the result is found in the search engine; the maximum time is from the product placed on the product page of an e-commerce website.

So we can say that the product page is the main pillar of any e-commerce website.

That’s why I have made this product page as dynamic as possible, and user intent is good in such a way,

For this, I used HTML, CSS flex, and grid for website layout and designing.

The filters and sorting functionality have been developed with advanced JavaScript to enable the user to navigate the product.

So that the user can easily find the product of his choice.

And the user clicks the add to cart button; then, an alter message shows if the “Product has been added to the cart”

4. Contact Us page

I have also made this page (Yogesh Sambre)

Here the user can search for some important things.

5. Cart Page

Biswajit Biswal created this page.

Products are available all over the website; clicking on their add to cart button is added to the product cart page,

Here we get their total billing, and we have added coupon code functionality here.

7. Checkout Page

You can fill in all the details here, and you can pay by choosing the option of debit credit card.

8. Order Placed Page

This is our last page

Here you will be told that your order has been placed.

Thanks for reading this article

You can id you want to check our All source code of this project you can follow this below Thus GitHub link

