What’s the difference between a lifestyle change and a diet?

Jerlin Fitness Coach
6 min readNov 6, 2023


What’s the difference between a lifestyle change and a diet?

Let me tell you something about a subject that is very important to me: what’s the difference between a diet and a lifestyle change? Even though a lot of people mix them up, these two words are not exactly the same.

I know both sides of this argument and have learned some important things from them. Changing the way you live is more lasting and effective than sticking to a diet plan. I will write about my experiences on my blog to help you understand this.

So, what is a diet?

First, let’s talk about food plans. When I say “diet regimen,” I don’t mean sticking to a strict meal plan for at least a week in order to lose weight. It’s not those short-term, strict diets that offer quick weight loss. Often, they involve greatly lowering the number of calories you eat or not eating certain foods. On most diets, you only need to pay attention to the amount on the range after a certain day.

I’ve been there and tried a lot of diets. Of course, some of them helped me lose weight fast. But the problem was that I thought I could go back to my old habits once I reached my goal. That’s where I went wrong. Plans to lose weight are like sprints: they can help you get there fast, but they’re not meant to last.

The plan for eating Being moral

When you’re on a diet, you have to think in a certain way. It’s all about limits, hunger, and feeling sorry for yourself. You get very angry because you can’t stop thinking about the foods you will not eat. Most of the time, “cheat days” come up, and you start to crave the foods you’re not allowed to eat.

I remember how bad I felt every time I didn’t follow my eating plan. I promise you that it’s not a nice feeling. The diet plan attitude made me think I wasn’t strong or controlled myself, which wasn’t true. What’s wrong is not me, but the food.

The Cycle of the Yo-Yo Diet

Have you heard of yo-yo diets before? In this case, you lose weight on a diet and then put it all back, maybe even more. You could feel very down and hurt by this loop, which can be bad for your mental and physical health. I got stuck in this terrible loop, and it’s hard to get out of it.

Going to great lengths is the key to yo-yo weight loss. When you go from strict diet plans to binge eating, your metabolism changes. Your body is going through a rough ride, and it’s not fun. Muscle loss, weight gain, and a lot of stress can all happen because of it.

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What does it mean to change your way of life?

Now let’s talk about making changes to your habits. Making changes to your lifestyle means committing to bettering your health for a long time. It’s about making permanent, healthy choices that become part of your daily life. It’s not about a quick fix, but about a change that will last.
I really didn’t think that my decision to change how I live would only be a short-term fix. It seemed like a whole new way of life to me. It’s more important to make better choices and form good habits than to starve yourself.

Creating Habits That Are Balanced

Instead of worrying about what I couldn’t eat, I thought about what I could. Many more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean foods were added to my meals. I changed how I thought about food from an enemy to something that fed my body.

In the same way, working out regularly became a part of my life. It wasn’t about going to the gym for hours every day. Some of the things I like to do are dance, walk, and play sports. It made making sure I had enough energy seem like a normal part of my day.

Why it’s important to be patient?

When getting used to a new way of life, it’s important to keep going. It’s normal to not see effects right away when you’re on a diet plan. I started to value the journey and the progress I was making. It was less about the number on the range and more about how I really felt.

When you change your way of life, it’s beautiful because it’s not all or nothing. You can have treats sometimes, so don’t feel bad about it. It has to do with balance and moderation. You learn to listen to your body and become aware of what it needs over time.

A look at the environment:

The biggest difference between a diet and a lifestyle change is how long the changes last. A change in living lasts a lifetime, but diet plans only work for a certain amount of time. There’s nothing to do with reaching a certain weight and then going back to old habits. Having a healthy, well-balanced living is important.

For a number of years now, I’m happy to say that getting used to a new way of life has gone well. Keeping a healthy weight is just one of the many perks I’ve experienced. My energy level has gone up, my skin looks a lot better, and I feel happier and more secure.

The Change in Thought

A big part of my way of life change was a change in how I thought about things. I no longer thought that food was something to be afraid of or avoid. I changed how I felt about food, which helped me love and care for myself more.

Assumptions about “good” and “bad” things stopped bothering me. Instead, I focused on choosing things that made me happy and helped me reach my goals. Being free of the chains of diet plan thinking felt very liberating.

Help and Responsibility

It might be hard to change the way you live, but it’s easier when you have people to help you. I joined online groups and neighborhoods with people who shared my interests. I stayed motivated by telling other people about my problems and getting help.

I also made a responsible friend who shared my desire to live a healthier life for myself. We were there for each other, talked about our successes and mistakes, and celebrated our wins as a group. When you have someone with you, the trip is a lot more fun.

To sum up

Everything comes down to the choice you make in the end. You can choose a plan that says it will work right away, but it usually leads to disappointment, guilt, and dieting again and again. You could also choose to make a change to your lifestyle. This way, you can slowly form healthy habits, find balance, and enjoy a long-lasting makeover. What’s the difference between a diet and a lifestyle change? You have to choose between quick fixes and long-term health.

It’s impossible to say enough about how much changing the way I live has made my life better. Mentally and physically, I feel a lot better, and I’m even more determined than before to live a peaceful, healthy life. My goal in telling you my story is to get you to take the same action. Don’t forget that progress, not perfection, is what it’s all about. The trip is worth it.

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