3 min readJun 8, 2018


With the recent trend in the world today, people have seen the need to embrace information technology as a way of life which has made the world a global village. The world has moved from the medieval means of communication to a more advanced means of communication and dispersing of information. In our day to day activities, we encounter the need to store and access data either in our offices or homes and this has brought the limelight the need for various data storage systems. With the ever changing technology, the concept of data storage has transcended from the use of punch cards to the use of cloud storage which has helped in not just reducing the cost of data storage but easily accessible. With the numerous advantages of cloud storage of data, there is still the challenge on how to secure these data from and the need for old data to be easily accessed by individuals.
Blockchain technology is a decentralized, distributed and public ledger built with the sole aim of trading cryptocurrencies. There has been transcending development in blockchain technology to aid its performance and ease the clogging of its network. The blockchain network deals with millions of information daily and this information need to be easily accessible. The contemporary means of storage of data has a huge effect in the sense that it can be prone to hack, or a case of the owners of the files deleting them from the system. Arweave is developed with the sole aim of making storage of data easy and accessible as well as making transaction process easy.
Disadvantages of Contemporary Data Storage
There is difficulty in usability in the case of cloud storage of data as location of data (file) can easily be changed permanently.
There is bandwidth/capacity of most storage system is not unlimited hence the space can be used up.
Accessibility of files is usually difficult in the case of contemporary data storage system
There is the issue of safety and privacy of data stored on the cloud. There is a huge possibility of commingling with other files.

Advantages of Arweave over contemporary Data Storage
Arweave is built to create permanent storage of data on Blockchain at little or no cost.
Arweave makes counterfeiting of documents impossible therefore all data on arweave is authentic and can’t be plagiarized. Once a document is stored on the weave, any attempt to change the content of the file is detected immediately and it is rejected by the network.
The storage is decentralized as opposed to contemporary storage system.
Every arweave wallet is integrated in a way that it can read and write data to/fro the network.
The arweave technology is built on the following:
Proof of Access: Unlike the typical Blockchain technology proof of work (pow) that works based on the previous block, the proof of access generates new blocks from any random block. This helps individuals verify the validity of a block.
Wildfire: This fast tracks the fulfilment of every data request. This solves the major issue of decentralized network data sharing.
Blockweave: This helps in verifying old blocks and aids easy evaluation of new blocks. This can be done with or without the knowing the block in which the last transaction was used.
Blackshadow: The black shadow helps in fast and flexible transaction in block distribution.
All of these unique qualities of arweave gives it a large advantage over a number of storage system. It is proferring solution to the long standing problem of the Blockchain network. Arweave won’t just store your data but will give authenticity to every data stored on the network.
Arweave is giving everyone the chance to partake in their initial coin offering (ICO) at a cheap and affordable rate. For more information on arweave visit:
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Author’s bitcointalk account username: promudy
Eth Address: 0xc1F5ac9C8b7F8A3FadE6C65E903ab94467a431EE

