The Advantages of Square Shape Table

Yudha Sn
2 min readDec 11, 2021


Table is one of the most crucial pieces of furniture you must have, either for personal or commercial use. The table characteristic which can be used for a lot of things, in other words multifunctional, makes tables come with multiple functions and shapes.

Picture by Aninda Furniture Indonesia

The basic shape for the table is of course the square shape table. Is considered to become the basic and most traditional table shape. But there is another shape, a round shaped table.

The Following are some advantages that Square table had over it’s Round one counterpart.

Has Sides

Unlike the round shape table, the square shape table has sides. Because of this Square shape table is usually more practical to be used, it has more capacity, it has more dimensions and it can accommodate a lot user at once.

Which means Square table is more comfortable to use if you and your loved ones want to have fun or warm time doing something that requires a table, square table is your absolute choice.

Picture by: Aninda Furniture Indonesia

Although not as flexible as the round table but Square table’s ability to accommodate more capacity is so useful.


Because it’s shape and ability to accommodate more than the round table. Square shape is usually the shape chosen for a variety of tables with different functions.

It can be a dinner table, it can be a working desk, it can be a tv cabinet, it can be a study desk and other tables. Although it requires more space than a round table, the variety of functions the Square table provides are enough to compensate for that.

Had more Variety Model

Square shape tables also had more variety in terms of the model. It can be classic, sub urban, modern, futuristic or aesthetic.

Picture by Aninda Furniture Indonesia

Because of this, although considered consuming more space than the Round table. Square shape tables compensate for that with a lot of models to accommodate your theme or taste.

Easier to Make

Please note that Square shaped table is easier to make than a round table. Because of the simple shape, the Square shape table is easier and faster to make.

