UX Case Study — Jago Last Wish

10 min readNov 28, 2021


Jago Last Wish

Hello everyone, on this occasion I will share my internship experience. For your information, I am currently participating in “magang merdeka“ program, and thank God I was given the opportunity to do an internship at SKILVUL. So, this is my process in doing my internship assignment.

Disclaimer :

“This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul, for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Bank Jago is the Challenge Partner. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Bank Jago.”

Tools :

Figma, FigJam, Google Spreadsheets, Google Docs, Google Meet.

Background Story

Jago is a digital financial service that focuses on the daily life of users, with the largest ecosystem network in Indonesia. There are many kinds of problems in a person’s daily life, but there are financial products that are used to fulfill these needs. For example, when you are hungry and order GoFood, you pay using Gopay. When you want to be a Youtuber, you need to save to buy mini studio equipment and buy it at Tokopedia. At Jago, although the main business is financial products, we understand that from the user’s perspective what they think about is not the financial product, but the end goal (example: hungry -> eat, become a youtuber -> make a studio). Therefore, when Jago wants to create a savings product, we don’t stop with just creating a digital account feature, but Jago also thinks about integration into services that can provide goods or services that users need. So that everything becomes easy and smooth, for everyday life, future dreams, and activities with friends and family.

Imagine if Jago wanted to create and introduce a feature related to life insurance. If we look at life insurance products that are currently on the market, usually these products are sold as a form of prevention from disasters or bad things that will happen in the future. In addition, life insurance is also usually used to protect the livelihood of the family you support through your livelihood before it is time to die. This is quite serious considering that not everyone has planned for the future. One possibility why people don’t do it is because they want to be more optimistic and less negative (because the future gets scary).

My Role In Team

As a UI/UX Designer, I collaborate with 2 of my colleagues, Rizki Wahrama Kadi and Muhammad Syafiq. At each stage, we always divide the tasks evenly and according to our respective abilities. My responsibilities are :

  1. Create user flow from Learnin features
  2. Create Wireframe based on user flow
  3. Create a learning system design
  4. Creating a High Fidelity UI
  5. Designing a prototype based on the flow that has been made
  6. Usability testing

Design Process

My team applies the concept of design thinking in this project. Why ? In my personal opinion, the design thinking approach fits perfectly into my research and design style. And according to my team, the Design Thinking approach can make the process of making Jago Last Wish more full of wild creative ideas and solutions at the ideate stage.

1. — Emphatize

At this stage, we conducted research using secondary research on the differences between wills and insurance, Indonesian insurance, will policies, legality of wills without a notary, competitor analysis. then we discussed the brief that was given by Jago. Here’s the brief :

Currently, there are many places to get life insurance products complete with details and prices. Of course this is not the type of product that Jago wants. The Jago feature is made to support users’ lifestyles and also help them achieve their life goals, not just selling financial products. Do you wake up in the morning thinking about opening a deposit or buying insurance? Of course not right?

Imagine if you could make a will digitally, the contents of which could be whatever you wanted to do and the funding for its implementation could be guaranteed by the insurance product behind it. You can make a will as usual, leave money for the family, or you can also request that your ashes be sent to outer space! You can make a wish as far as your imagination can take!

Challenge Objective

Jago needs a solution or service in the form of a design prototype for a mobile application in order to help customers make plans that anticipate unexpected events in the future that can affect the livelihood and/or welfare of their families. It is also possible for our users to use this feature for social purposes, contributing to their environment and community even after death.

Here are some features that are recommended to be included in the prototype proposal:

  1. The steps for making a will are easy, considering that users can enter various types of requests.
  2. An easy way to calculate the required monthly payment for the desired form of will.
  3. Management of commitments made and editing of wills.
  4. Gamification or creative ways related to a healthy lifestyle and fitness level that can lower the cost of that monthly commitment.

Get to know the target audience

Gender : Not specific
Age : 25–35 years old
Geographic: Urban area, SES A & B (monthly expenditure rate)
Profession: Employee

  1. Already have insurance from a friend’s office
  2. Educated and technology friendly
  3. Usually searching using Google
  4. Usually use the application for daily needs (buying food, transportation, shopping and others)
  5. Ordinary and want to get cashback also discount
  6. Subscribe to apps like Spotify, Netflix and Disney+
  7. Work from home
  8. Worried about COVID and already vaccinated up to two doses
  9. Not married (60%), married (40%)

2 — Define

Pain Point

Pain Points

At this stage, we were given 15 minutes to write down the pain points. we record all user pain points in sticky notes. We used the secondary research document that we had previously created for us to use as a reference for making pain points. Each member of our team must add a new pain point, so the pain points here are in addition to the brief that has been given, members’ thoughts, and secondary research documents. Once the pain points are noted on the sticky notes, the next step is to determine How Might We.

How Might We

How Might We

In the HMW stage, we have to create an HMW from the 25 pain points that have been created previously. Thus created 7 How-Might-We. Furthermore, HMW will be grouped based on their similarities. Then the HMW will be selected which we think is suitable as a solution. We were given 5 minutes to vote for HMW and each member of our team was entitled to vote 3 times. After the voting ended, 1 HMW was chosen, “Making life insurance that focuses on celebrating life rather than thinking about death or negative things” . This HMW will be brought to the ideate phase.

3 — Ideate

Solution Idea

Solution idea

In this ideate phase, my team and I can channel creative wild ideas and solutions to support the HMW that has been determined in the previous stage, which is “Making life insurance that focuses on celebrating life rather than thinking about death or negative things”. We were given 20 minutes to write down solution ideas and explain the solution ideas that have been written to other teammates. But 20 minutes is not enough for us, because we are very enthusiastic in conveying our ideas. We are free to share ideas for solutions and there is no right or wrong in the ideas we present. It can be seen in the image above that the ideas we share are numerous and unique.

Affinity Diagram

Affinity Diagram

At this stage, my team and I categorize idea solutions that have a common goal, so it will be easier to enter the next stage, which is prioritization of ideas. There are 5 categories:
1. Features
2. Gamfication
3. Register & Pay
4. Education
5. Rewards

Prioritization Idea

Prioritization Idea

At this stage, we select solution ideas into several categories based on their priority, the first is the Do it now category, the Do next next category, the third category later, and the fourth do last category. We are given 15 minutes to complete this stage. After we did prioritize the ideas, then we focused on the ‘Yes, Do It Now!’ categories. Because we want to focus on making the main features first before working on the least important features.

Crazy 8's

Yudha crazy 8's
Syafiq crazy 8's
Rama crazy 8's

The next stage is crazy 8’s, this stage is a fun stage, because the crazy 8’s stage tests the creativity of team members. We were given 8 minutes to make 8 sketches of each solution idea on one HVS paper folded 4 times. After finishing sketching, team members must upload their sketch images into the figjam, then team members must present the purpose of the sketch that has been made for 5 minutes. then we have to choose a sketch that is interesting and in accordance with the idea of ​​the solution.

4 — Prototype

At this stage. my group started by creating user flow first, then wireframe, UI kit, UI design. then prototype

User Flow

  1. Registration & Login

2. Make A Wish

3. Claim A Wish

4. Consultation

5. Challenge


At this stage I made a wireframe from the user flow make a wish, the reference is from an 8s sketch which is still Lo-fi. The goal is to provide an overview of the mockup / Hi-Fi that will be made later.

High Fidelity

At this stage the wireframe that was previously still in black and white, I have given the color according to the style guide. Btw, I used all the components I’ve created in the Jago Last Wish style guide to keep my designs consistent. At this stage, there are several new parts which are improvements to the existing parts in the wireframe. I made this Hi-fi also based on each userflow.

  1. Make A Wish


Okay, the prototype stage is very fun to do. Because I can make the mockup more real and can be simulated like a finished application. For prototyping I refer to the initial user flow. I can also express my creativity when making prototypes such as making pop up dialogs seem real and it’s very fun.

Here is a prototype , hope you enjoy :)

5 — Test

The last stage is the testing stage. This phase aims to validate the solution ideas that have been determined in the previous phases. We test the design by interviewing users and asking for their feedback so we can get feedback. The method we use is In-Depth-Interview, because with this method we can explore user answers. Due to the pandemic, we conducted a virtual usability test using the google meet platform on November 25, 2021.

The user is asked to perform several tasks. Here are the tasks:
1. Ask the user to register and login to the application
2. Ask the user to create a Dream Tree and Make a payment
3. Ask user to create tree of life and Make payment
4. Ask the user to claim the dream tree until successful
5. Ask the user to claim the tree of life until successful
6. Ask users to do Challenges and take Rewards
7. Asking users to make consultations and calls with good agents


Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the results are extraordinary and beyond expectations. Users feel that there is nothing to improve or reduce from our Jago last Wish project. The user gives a Single Ease Question (SEQ) score of 7 from 1–7, meaning that the user is easy to operate the last wish expert. From the results of the System Usability Scale (SUS) calculation, we got a score of 92.5, meaning that the last wish feature has met the needs and is useful for users.

At The End

Thanks for reading my UX Case Study, I hope you guys enjoy my UX Case Study. If there are criticisms and suggestions please contact me via my personal email yudhayasa314@gmail.com or DM me @yudhabriano on instagram.
See you in my next UX Case Study


