Setting a web app using Flask & Python

Yue Weng Mak
2 min readMar 26, 2020


As a data scientist, we worked with Jupyter Notebook and Python to run our code. I will try to explain how to use Flask to present your work as a web app.

Photo by Taras Shypka on Unsplash
  1. Have an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Any editor is fine, preferably with a markdown. I use Sublime Text as my IDE.

2. Set up Environment

Open up terminal, and run pip3 install Flask .

Once that is done, Flask is installed! Yay!

3. Set up an application

Let’s start with something simple. A ‘Hello World’ App.

a. Create a new project. In this case, I have added this project under Projects/flask_tutorial . Once created, open the folder in your IDE. We are going to add code in there.

b. Under the flask_tutorial folder, create a new file . This is where the app will run.

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
return 'Hello World’

if __name__ == '__main__':

Paste this into . This is the underlying code to get the app up and running.

@app.route('/') signifies where the url is supposed to be. / is the index page. The method hello_world right below @app.route('/') is where it is being called when the index page is served. When a request is being sent for the index page, this method is called, in this case, printing ‘Hello World’.

c. Setting up the connection

Go to terminal and run this command:

python -m flask run

4. When the command is executed, you will get a localhost and a port, the default will be Enter that into your browser and you will see ‘Hello World’ printed on the screen!

5. There you have it! A simple web app!

Using CSS, HTML for Flask App

